2. Set the background color to white, use ctrl+del to fill white, select Edit-Stroke in the menu bar, set the width value to a larger value, and specify a red edge for the circle.
3. Press ctrl+d to cancel the selection, and press T to bring up the text input tool. For example, when entering the Baidu experience, Baidu knows to set the font color to the same red as the strokes and adjust the font size.
4. Select the text, and then click the text editing tool on the right side of the menu bar to adjust the font spacing.
5. Press ctrl+t to adjust the length and width of the text layer, and then press the arrow keys to adjust to the appropriate position.
6. Select the polygon tool in the toolbox, select the pentagram, and then drag the mouse to draw the pentagram.
7. Hold down the ctrl key and click the polygon layer. Select the Rectangular Selection tool in the toolbox, drag out the five-pointed star selection with the mouse, create a new layer, and then press ctrl+del to fill the background color with red.
8. Press ctrl+r to display the ruler, hold down the mouse and drag out two horizontal and vertical reference lines with a pentagram in the middle, and press ctrl to adjust the size and position of the pentagram.
9. Save the picture in PNG format, then open excel and select "Insert Picture" in the menu bar to insert the official seal.