yes, they have the right not to like dogs. But you also have the right to keep a dog. If you have a dog license, they can't do anything about you.
They didn't pick on you because your dog did something to them at all. They just wanted you not to have a dog, to make things difficult for you. They don't like dogs, but you can like dogs. Just pick on them. If your dog doesn't bite them and it doesn't hinder their lives, why should you pick on them?
I'm telling you, the more they do this, the more you can keep this dog. That's what people like this have to do with them.
they don't like dogs, so the whole community can't keep them? Where did that come from?
people who don't like dogs can't be ignored. It seems that only they have the right to live in this world, and only their children can play in the community, but others can't lead the dog, which scares them and scares their children. Everyone in this crowd is unreasonable, so you don't have to reason with him.
You have the right to keep a dog. Get a dog license, lead the dog around as few people as possible, avoid the children, choose the morning and evening time, and don't let it bark at night. If you do this. Those people are still finding fault, you let them GET OUT! GET OUT! Let them go wherever they want!
who said that police who don't allow dogs in the building area understand? My family also lives in the building area, and I raise a husky of the competition class. Huskies are included in the scope of urban allowed dog breeds.
You should be skilled in getting a dog license. Is your dog still young? Then do it quickly, while it is not too big, it is easy to do. As long as you pay all the money, don't tell the applicant whether to accept it or not, and have a better attitude. They will do it for you.
don't wait for the dog to grow too big, it will be more difficult. You have a dog license, which means that the government has agreed to keep huskies in the building area. Not to mention those old men and women, even the police have no right to take your dog away casually. Then you can sue him. My dog has already applied for an "ID card". Do you want to take it away? Is it good? I admit what is wrong, and you can't show weakness when it is right, otherwise many people will want to bully others.