The pronunciation of Ganjian is: gānjiàn.
The pinyin of Gan Jian is: gānjiàn. The phonetic notation is: ㄍㄢㄐ一ㄢ_. The structure is: Gan (single structure) and Ji (left-right structure).
What is the specific explanation of Gan Jian? We will introduce it to you through the following aspects:
1. Explanation of words Click here to view the details of the plan
Be content with poverty.
2. Quotes and explanations
1. Be content with poverty. Quoting Liang Wujun of the Southern Dynasty from "The Immortals Can Learn": "If you are willing to be poor, you will be humble." Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty wrote in his poem "Retiring from Officials and Returning to the Capital, Muzhou Yuji": "I can be willing to be humble, and I have no choice but to become self-reliant." ”
3. Internet explanation
ganjian gānjiànㄍㄢㄐㄧㄢ_ganjian (ganjian) is content with poverty and lowliness. Liang Wujun of the Southern Dynasty wrote "On the Learning of Immortals": "I am a free and unrestrained person, I am happy in poverty and willing to be humble." Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty wrote a poem in "Removed Officialship and Returned to Beijing, Muzhou Yuji": "Looking at me, I can be willing to be humble, and I have no choice but to strengthen myself."
4. Explanation of idioms
Le: like; Gan: willing; Jian: humble status. The idiom of being happy with a life of poverty and being content with a humble status comes from Volume 93 of "Yunji Qizhu" by Zhang Junfang of the Song Dynasty: "Secondly, he is unrestrained and unrestrained, happy with poverty and humiliation, and embraces economic tools as if they are nothing; the knowledge of ancient and modern times is vast. If it is empty, you will not obey the title, and you will not accept the salary. "The idiom is used as a predicate, attributive, and object; it is used in ancient idioms of the time when life was born
Poetry about being humble
Since It hurts to be humble, to be humble, to be humble, to be favored, to be favored. I can be willing to be humble
Idioms about sweetness and humbleness
Be close to each other, noble and humble, buy cheap, sell cheap, noble and cheap, look at the good, be humble, noble and humble, impermanent, noble and humble, high and low Noble ears but low eyes
Words about sweetness and lowliness
Be good for being lowly, body is low, body is low, be noble, be noble, be humble, be impermanent, be lowly, be noble, be happy, be poor, be sweet, be low, be noble, be low, be noble, be strong, be low. Old noble ears and humble eyes, close friends and noble people
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