Common affixes
con- (co-, col-, com-, cor-) ***same, together
de- separate, leave, lower
dis- no, opposite, reverse
ex- e outside, out
im- (in-, il-, ir-) no, not
per- pass, thoroughly, always
pre- before, before, in advance and pro- forward
re- again, again, heavy
sub- under,,,,, below, lower than, inferior to. The prefixes su-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus- are variants of sub-.
trans- transfer, change
Common root words
cap/capt/cep/cept/cip/ceive=to take, take
duc=to lead to guide, lead
fer=to carry, to
bring transport; carry; take; bring; produce
flect/flex = to
bend? bend
walk? walk
jac/jec=to throw throw, throw
miss/mit=to send
nounce/nounci=to report
pel/ puls =to push? PUSH ten?
Port =to
put=to think, to
stand? stand
spec/spic=to see, to look
spir=to breathe
close[kl?z]v .Close
fact[f?kt]n. fact (something done) root fac/fec/fic
form[f?:m]n. shape v. form
fuse [fju: z] v. fusion n. fuse fuse? Homology and heteromorphic roots fus, fund and found
press [pres] n./ Squeeze
pose[p?z]v. place
quest[kwest]n. explore v. seek
scribe[skra?b] n. scribe, scribe before the invention of printing
script[skr?pt] n. script vt. write script
serve[s?:v]v. service
side[sa?d]n. side, side; aspect; side; side
sign[sa ?n]n. Symbol; gesture; sign; mark? v.. signature; gesture
Common verb suffix
-ize p>
Common noun suffixes
-ing p>
Common adverb suffixes
Common adjective suffixes
Common number prefixes
One, single, alone: ??mon- /uni-
Two, du- /duo- /twi- /bi- /bin- /bis- /pen-
Three, tre-/tri- /
Four, quart- p>
Five, penta-/pent-
Six, semester-/ hexa-
Seven, septem-/hepta-
Eight, oct -
Nine, ennea-/nov-/non-
Ten, deca-
Hundred, hecto-
Thousand, kilo -
Ten thousand, myri-
Large, mega-/mlcro-/ macro-/magni-
Small, micro-/mini-
majority, multi-/poly-
fraction, deci-/milli- /cent-
half: hemi- /semi-