Electronic signing, that is, online signing, is the process of signing online. In a more popular way, it is to move the contents of paper contracts online to form electronic contracts, and sign them online through computers/mobile phones.
Articles 13 and 14 of the Electronic Signature Law have the following provisions:
Thirteenth electronic signatures meet the following conditions at the same time, as reliable:
(1) When the electronic signature production data is used for electronic signature, it belongs to the exclusive rights of the electronic signer;
(2) When signing, the electronic signature production data is only controlled by the electronic signer;
(3) Any changes to the electronic signature after signature can be found;
(4) Any changes to the content and form of the data message after signature can be found.
The parties can also choose to use electronic signatures that meet their agreed reliable conditions.
Article 14 A reliable electronic signature has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature or seal.
Whether it is contract law or electronic signature law, the legal basis of electronic signature can be found. These laws and regulations not only clarify the equal legal effect of electronic signature and traditional offline signature, but also establish the legal status of electronic signature from the legislative level.