According to the relevant regulations of the self-study exam, candidates can enter the examination room in an orderly manner 20 minutes before the exam. After 15 minutes, late candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room. It can be seen that candidates had better not be late, otherwise they may waste an opportunity for the exam.
Besides not being late, you should also pay attention to the following items during the exam:
1. Candidates who have been present must sign in the roll-call khaki signature box for confirmation. Those who do not sign will be regarded as absent from the exam.
2. Candidates enter the examination room with necessary stationery, such as 2B pencil, black pen or signature pen, ruler, triangle, compass and eraser.
It is strictly forbidden to bring any communication tools (such as finder, walkie-talkie, mobile phone), electronic calculator (except courses where calculators can be used), electronic notebook, electronic memory recording and playback equipment, camera, electronic video recording equipment, correction fluid, correction tape and other items unrelated to the examination into the examination room. Courses in which calculators can be used, and calculators must not have program storage function.
3. Candidates shall hand in their papers and appear no earlier than 30 minutes before the end of the exam, and shall not enter the examination room again after they appear.
If you have questions about the self-taught/adult-taught examination, don't know how to summarize the contents of the self-taught/adult-taught examination sites, and don't know the local policies for registering for the self-taught/adult-taught examination, click on the bottom to consult official website and get the review materials for free: /xl/