MD5:public algorithm is actually the same and universal after being implemented in any language. Irreversible encryption: original text-encryption-ciphertext, ciphertext can not decrypt the original text, the same original text encryption results are the same. The encrypted contents of different lengths are all 32 bits, which is very different from the original text and the result is very different. No matter how big the file is, it can generate a 32-bit summary.
DES: Symmetric reversible encryption: the original text can be decrypted after encryption, and the encryption key and decryption key are the same, so the encryption and decryption speed is fast, and the problem is the security of the key;
RSA: asymmetric reversible encryption: the original text can be decrypted after encryption, and the encryption key and decryption key are not one, but a pair, which is worse than the previous Des symmetric reversible encryption;
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