How to write your own signature:
1. Pay attention to the first and last characters: the first and last characters are the most important, because they determine the overall effect of the name. Once the first and last words are written, the signature is half done.
2. Appropriately make the strokes exaggerated and relaxed: signatures actually have nothing to do with calligraphy. Of course, if you have a certain foundation in calligraphy, you will naturally be more proficient in grasping the structure of the characters. Sometimes you don’t have to stick to the rules. Appropriate Let some of the vertical, horizontal and vertical strokes be exaggerated to make the whole look harmonious and beautiful.
3. Cleverly connected strokes, as simple as possible: Sometimes, some parts of the words written casually will make people feel good-looking. This is because when the words are not intentional, the whole word is made more beautiful by connecting strokes casually. Become more agile.
4. Practice frequently and explore more: In the final analysis, signature is always a personal matter. You can imitate more and practice more based on it. Over time, you will be able to sign your own unique style of name.
The role of signature
1. Anti-impersonation. Others cannot forge signatures on messages, because only the signer knows the private key, so others cannot forge the correct signature result. . The holder of the private key is required to keep his or her private key.
2. Anti-tampering For digital signatures, the signature and the original file have formed a mixed overall data that cannot be tampered with, thus ensuring the integrity of the data.
3. Anti-replay is included in digital signatures. If techniques such as adding serial numbers and timestamps to signed messages are used, replay attacks can be prevented.
4. Anti-repudiation digital signatures can identify identities and are impossible to forge. The signer cannot deny the signature he has made. To prevent the recipient from denying it, in the digital signature system, the recipient is required to return a self-signed message indicating receipt to the other party or a third party, or introduce a third-party arbitration mechanism.