In your impression, are new book launches held in libraries or in rooms with a high-end or even artistic atmosphere?
Yes, these are places that are often visited at book launches. So, as a copywriter, have you ever thought about how to be creative in copywriting for a new book launch?
Today I would like to share with you a creative new book launch event, that is, a new book launch event held by Get App. The location was chosen at the vegetable market, and a group of "Wet Market Economy" was also released. "Learn" poster copy. Let's take a closer look at the content of this set of posters:
"Paleolithic Age
A great hunter couldn't kill a cow in a whole day,
Now by Division of labor
I can sell more than ten cows every day”
——Li Xuezeng, owner of Adam Smith Beef Shop
Applicable to: Adam· Smith’s Theory of Specialized Division of Labor
# vegetable market meets economics#?
“My pie is not simple.
The flour comes from Hebei and the onions come from Shandong.
Pork is produced in Spain and pepper is grown in Vietnam.
My pies can be sold all over the world. ”
Li Hong, owner of Friedman’s Breakfast Shop.
Applicable to: Friedman’s market collaboration mechanism
# vegetable market meets economics# ?
“There are so many cities in the world,
There are so many seafood restaurants in the city,
But you walked into mine,
This is not my skill, it is luck.”
— —Li Yongjun, owner of Alqin Seafood Shop
Applicable to: Alqin’s survival of the fittest theory
# Vegetable Market Meets Economics#
“I am an expert at growing vegetables. ,
I am also an expert in selling vegetables,
But for the past 38 years, I have only been selling vegetables,
because the opportunity cost of selling vegetables is lower. ”
——Ricardian vegetable stall Zhang Huizhen
Applicable: Ricardo’s principle of comparative advantage
# Vegetable Market Meets Economics#
“Curry fried rice does not Curry,
Steak without black pepper,
Sashimi without wasabi,
I mean, if there is no free trade.” - Mancun Condiment Shop owner. Zhang Xiaohua
Applicable to: Mankiw’s theory of free trade that benefits both parties
# vegetable market meets economics#
“I am not afraid of repudiation, and they are not afraid of shortfalls. Just two,
In the wet market where people come and go,
The market is the bridge of trust between us. ”——Cui Ying, owner of Kos Mutton Shop
Applicable to: Coase’s transaction cost theory
“This Australian lobster is not expensive at all.
Buy a plane ticket and fly Adelaide,
Be cautious at 5 a.m.,
It’s expensive to set up traps to catch lobsters.” ——Five-star hotel chef Yuan Xiaopeng
Applicable to: Friedman’s “Money cost is different from all costs”
# vegetable market meets economics# ?
“Take her to the vegetable market to have a look,
The fruits I eat every day are not made by my mother, but by many uncles and aunts. ”——Full-time mother Suo Jie
Applicable to: Adam Smith’s theory of professional division of labor
# vegetable market meets economics#?
“Buy a week’s worth of vegetables at once,
Go to the same place every day Home store,
Time and decision-making are also costs. ”——Internet company operator Qin Ying
Applicable: Stigler’s search cost theory
# vegetable market meets economics#?
“Really knowledgeable People know that if you want to eat the best cod in the Arctic, you have to fly to Beijing.
——Internet company director Xiao Yilong
Applicable to: Alchian's third law of demand
# Vegetable Market Meets Economics #
"I often tell my wife,
If you eat one more leftover meal,
you will lose one good meal,
you will lose money inside and outside. Two meals. ”
——Retired Professor Lu Lanying
Applicable: Wieser’s Opportunity Cost Theory
# Vegetable Market Meets Economics#
This book launch, both in terms of the location and the creativity of the copywriting, is very down-to-earth and full of life. It explains economics to the public in an easy-to-understand way, making it easier for people to accept it.
Okay, after reading this set of copywriting, I hope you will have more ideas for copywriting creativity for the new book launch.
Ye Xiaoyu, author of "New Media Copywriting Creation and Communication", WeChat public. No.: Ye Xiaoyu Paopaopao (talkto520)