* @brief uses HMAC-SHA 1 algorithm to generate the signature value of oauth_signature.
* @param $key key
* @ param$str source string
* @ Returns the signature value
The function getSignature($str, $key) {
$ signature =
if(function _ exists(' hash _ hmac '){
$ signature = base64 _ encode(hash _ hmac(" sha 1 ",$str,$key,true));
} Otherwise {
$ blocksize = 64
$ hash func = ' sha 1 ';
if (strlen($key)>$blocksize) {
$key = pack('H* ',$ hash func($ key));
$key = str_pad($key,$blocksize,chr(0x 00));
$ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36),$ blocksize);
$opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c),$ blocksize);
$hmac = pack(
H* ',$hashfunc(
($ base $ opad). Packaging (
H* ',$hashfunc(
($ base $ ipad). $str
$ signature = base64 _ encode($ hmac);
return $ signature