Text bold:
Your writing style
Effect: the words you wrote.
Italic text:
Style: Your work
Effect: the words you wrote.
Style: Your work
Effect: the words you wrote.
align center
Style: Your work
Your handwriting.
right alignment
Style: Your work
Your handwriting.
Text style (color, size, font)
Style: [ft = # ff0000,4, bold] Your text [/ft]
Effect: Your words
Example style description: #ff0000 is red, 4 is slightly larger font, and bold is font style.
Note: ft tags are separated by three commas, followed by color, size and font. Colors are represented by # +6-bit codes; The size is identified by 1 to 6, 1 is the smallest, and 6 is the largest; A font is represented by a font name.
Luminous word
Style: [ffg, #6600CC, #FFFFFF] Your text [/ft]
Example style description: #6600CC is the outer edge luminous color, and #FFFFFF is the text filling color.
The above effects can be mixed, for example, [m] [ft = # ff0000,4, bold] Your text [/ft][/M] is red in the middle and slightly bold.
Appendix: Common Color Correspondence Table: