Page 2: birthplace, occupation before enlistment, belief, height, face, body shape, hair color, pupil color, appearance characteristics, shoe size, shoe width, and signer's signature.
Page 3: Error Correction Department
Page 4: Mobilization
Page 5: Residence and occupation of father, mother, wife and other relatives.
Pages 6 and 7: Equipment distribution.
Page 8: Supplementary explanation
Page 8a: Serial numbers and distribution dates of firearms, bayonets, binoculars, compasses, trenchers and other equipment.
Page 8b: Number and distribution date of gas masks and other equipment.
Pages 8c and 8d: Other equipment
Page 9: Vaccination date of smallpox and tetanus, etc.
Page 10 and Page 1 1: Eye condition.
Page 12 and Page 3: Date of hospitalization and date of discharge
Page 14 and 5: Supplementary explanation
Page 16 and Page 7: Dental status
Page 18 and Page 9: Payroll.
Page 20: Supplementary explanation of payroll
Page 22: Honors awarded
Pages 23 and 4: Leave for more than five days, date and reason, place, etc.