Installation instructions:
No other plug-ins are installed on PSP:
Decompress the PSP installation package directly, and then copy the sePlugins folder directly to the PSP root directory to use (XMB is not opened, so it needs to be completely closed, and then press R to open the safe mode plug-in project at the same time, and set the VSH of the plug-in to [Enabled] to open it).
Other plug-ins are installed on the PSP:
Put RemoteJoyLite.prx and usb.prx into the seplugins folder in the root directory of the memory card to modify game.txt and vsh.txt (for PSP games and XMB).
Fill MS0 with the following plug-in path:/seplugins/remotejoylite.prx1.
Then go to the recovery mode plug-in project and set the plug-in to Enabled.
Modify pops.txt (for ps games) and fill in the following plug-in path.
ms0:/seplugins/usb.prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/remotejoylite . prx 1
(Note that usb.prx must precede RemoteJoyLite.prx, and then go to the recovery mode plug-in project and set these two prx to Enabled. )
Also: the USB automatic connection of VHS will conflict with the video output, so the USB automatic connection must be turned off before the video output can be turned on in VSH.
PS: If you can't output video normally under PS game, please copy usb.prx under Flash0:/kd in your computer.
Put it in the seplugins folder of the memory card to replace the original one.
(computer side)
How to use the driver:
Users who have not installed USB Type B driver, please go to the driver folder, click psp.inf, and right-click "Install".
If you can't install it, you can find a tutorial.
PSP class driver installation tutorial: /viewthread.php? tid= 1 106772
When you run RemoteJoyLite.exe on your computer, the video output will start automatically, and you don't need to press any shortcut keys on the PSP. If you still need to install USB Type B devices, please follow the instructions to complete the installation.
PS: I suggest you enter the game and output the video after watching the game record ~ ~
RemoteJoyLite operation shortcut (on the computer):
ALT+ENTER: full-screen switching
ESC: setting mode
F 1: display FPS, color mode.
F3: Display transmission switching
F4: Toggles the display of the window frame.
F 1 1: screenshot
F 12: video recording (press start, then press end)
■■■■■ Precautions ■■
※ If the USB driver installation fails, you can try to repair the machine key.
※VISTA/WIN7 system may need to turn off digital signature first.
It is recommended to close the plug-ins such as Golden Finger to avoid interference or slow down the running speed. ※
※ It is recommended to back up the activation files of plug-ins such as games. Before covering.
※PSPGo users should change ms0 of plug-in activation file to ef0.
Ms0:/seplugins/rjlnew。 All new kernels are compatible.
Ms0:/seplugins/rjlpro.prx0rjlite pro supports 6. XX homemade system.
The value 1 at the back of the plug-in is on, and 0 is off.
Plug-ins for NEW and PRO cannot be enabled at the same time.
When you are ready for the plug-in to take effect, restart the PSP.
Please activate the corresponding plug-in according to the system firmware version.