? ﹡┛ ╲
? ﹡┛
This life
I just want to be your protagonist.
"With you"
Deduction belongs to us.
Perfect love
╭? ─? ─? ╮
│●? . ●│
│-? ▽? -│
Like crayons
I can't live without Xiao Xin.
Bear's love
I can't live without Winnie.
The love of peach
Can't live without Ali
my love
We can not live without you
じò? ぴé? чou
There is no ferris wheel in romantic Paris.
Childhood outlines ignorant youth.
A pale smile faded in memory.
Fairy tales? C
〆﹏? Not finished? , become continued╮ please.
〆﹏? Spin, Trojan horse
I'm fine, I don't make noise, I don't show off, I don't feel wronged, I don't laugh, and I don't need others to know.
Love is renting a person's heart, marriage is tying a person's heart, and love is swallowing a person's heart.
When a foodie stops eating, it means that he is full. When an idiot stops doing it, it means he is unhappy.
Would you? Suddenly remind of someone? what's up Then I laughed,,,