The filling in the general insulation resistance test record of 10KV overhead lines is as follows.
Time, *year*month*day test equipment specifications, 2500 volt 2500 megohm model, ZC25-4 manufacturer, Hangzhou Electric Meter Factory
Line section, Guangjiao Line 1- 3-4 Line specifications, L-185mm? model, YGHL
Weather conditions, cloudy temperature. 21℃
Shaking measurement conditions:
A——B, ∞ or 1500ΜΩ
B——C, ∞ or 1000ΜΩ
C——A, ∞ or 800ΜΩ
A——Ground, ∞ or 1200ΜΩ
B——Ground, ∞ or 1000ΜΩ
C——Ground∞ Or a resistance of 2000MΩ.
Operator and guardian signature.