When you try to start Microsoft Internet Explorer, it may suddenly stop (crash) and you may receive the following error message:
Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to be closed. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you click the click here link at the bottom of the message dialog box, an error signature message similar to the following will appear: Application Name Application Version Module Name Module Version Offset.
Iexplore.exe 6 . 0 . 2800 . 1 106 mo 0304 14s . dll 1 . 0 . 0 . 0 000294 cc
Note: The signature may list any of the following files instead of the mo0304 14s.dll file:? M030 106shop.dll
Moz0307 15s.dll
This problem occurs because any of the following browser assistant objects (BHO:? Maijia sports
Murphy's shopping club
WURLD shopping community
In addition, you log on to the computer with a restricted user account. BHO tried to modify some system files and Windows registry keys that require administrative credentials to access. Therefore, when BHO cannot access these files and registry keys, Internet Explorer will suddenly stop.
To solve this problem, please delete this BHO from your computer. For information about how to remove BHO, please contact the manufacturer of this program.