Xiaomi 6miui11 can be officially updated on October 24, 2019. Its Xiaomi 6 mobile phone has begun to push the MIUI11 stable version system update, and the download package size is 535MB. MIUI11 brings a fully mature and complete full-screen design, removing redundant visual symbols, carefully designing large-screen touch interaction controls, and rationally using colors to make the content clear at a glance and communicate directly with the content. In addition, there are Chinese font optimization and a new Western design, using the world's first dynamic font system.
MlUl11 is the official operating system of Xiaomi mobile phones, released on September 24, 2019. The Xiaomilanting font has been upgraded to Xiaomilanting Pro, the natural dynamic sound system has been improved, and new weather dynamic alarm clocks, element dynamic alarm clocks, and Vientiane information screens have been added. In addition, the MIWork functional suite has been created, including screencasting, mutual transmission, and file management. and printing etc.
The main theme of MlUl11 is "New Sound and Color, Efficiency Innovation". In terms of design, it eliminates complexity and reduces redundant visual symbols, placing more emphasis on information and content. In addition, the dynamic sound effects have been greatly improved, with more sounds and vibrations. It has a new dark mode and a new customized Xiaomilanting font Pro, and supports new custom functions such as screen-off signature, screen-off display AOD, breathing light effect, screen-off dynamic clock, etc.
For more information about when Xiaomi 6miui11 will be updated, enter: /ask/5b55111615829491.html?zd to view more content
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