safty net
On a comparable basis
In order of priority
Implicit subsidy
Hidden loss
Issue a business license; Issue a license to.
Handle deposit business to absorb deposits.
Protect farmers' enthusiasm for production, protect farmers' enthusiasm for production.
Excess reserve (excess reserve)
Consolidation of local and foreign currency accounts
Reversal operation of local currency and foreign currency
Local interest, local interest; Divide into departments
To run a well-off society, we should strive to be rich; Strive to become rich
Tax avoidance (see "tax evasion")
Improper currency collocation
Currency composition
Disguised irregular (or illegal) fund-raising in disguised social fund-raising
Off-balance-sheet items (operations)
Weaknesses; gaping holes
Don't become this fixed cost.
Constant price constant price; Deduct the price factor
Real estate. Real estate
Non-performing loans (assets) loans; ; Non-performing loans (assets)
finance company
financial deficit
Financial pressure of central bank (monetary policy)
Coordination of fiscal and monetary policies
Take a phased and step-by-step approach
flexibility of operation
Manipulate exchange rate
Product composition; product mix
Product backlog inventory pile; Overstock
Production and sales rate current inventory; Sales/output ratio (spot inventory, excluding previous inventory)
Marketing convergence
industrial policy
Long-term national debt
Open position
Speculate in the stock market
Underwriting (securities)
Complete set of mechanical and electrical products; complete equipment
urban credit cooperative
Urban cooperative bank; Municipal Union Bank
municipal commercial bank
The income growth of urban and rural residents exceeds the price increase.
Continuous warming, continuous overheating
Duplicate project
replacement cost
Reorganization plan
Sources of financing; financing channels
Initial success
Unified export management and centralized management.
Export tax rebate
Savings account d
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Deposits (not exactly equivalent to savings deposits) in the west, the former includes demand deposits and the latter does not. )
Savings diversion of household deposits
The reduction of storage sources in household savings
Transmission mechanism
ad valorem duties
From strict control to strict control
Loan/deposit ratio
Deposit insurance system
depository bank
Deposit reserve statutory reserve
White paper currency issue
certificate of deposit
Withdraw a large amount of cash.
extensive landslide
Integrated single banking system.
Bad debts (see "bad debts")
Loan loss reserve (reserve)
Idle loan
Loans precipitate non-performing loans
Loan classification
Credit control of loan limit management; Set a credit ceiling
Credit constraint (constraint) mechanism in loan constraint mechanism
Acting Ministry of Finance as financial agent
Acting as an agent for financial institutions to issue loans to other institutions.
Earmark loan with hat
The reverse mechanism reverses the transmission of the pressure of easing money.
ethical risk
Regional disparity
primary industry
secondary industry
Service industry, tertiary industry; service sector
Deferred assets
Insufficient orders
time deposit
Directionally raise funds from target sources
Host country (see "home country")
independent accounting
treasury bill
Hedging operation; hedging
Claims on non-financial sectors
Diversified ownership of various forms of ownership
secondary market
Issue currency to issue currency
Total number of shares issued.
Statutory reserve statutory reserve; Reserve requirements
Institutional unit
Institutional shareholders in corporate shareholders
rule of law
investment in real estate
Loosening money and monetary policy.
Off-site monitoring
Non-bank financial institution
nonprofit organization
Distribution of central and local taxes; Tax distribution system
Financial services (services) are operated separately; Division of business scope based on types of financial institutions
Risk exposure (risk exposure)
risk management
risk awareness
Risk-weighted capital ratio
Risk-based capital standard
Service income and public service charges; User fees
aid the poor
negative growth
Double budget; Capital and regular budget accounts
Reform experiment
Leverage ratio
leveraged buyout
Raise high-interest funds by offering high interest rates
Non-institutional unit
Fundamental reversal (or reversal)
Open market operation
Private deposit of public funds in personal accounts
public utilities
State-owned sector in public economy; public sector
public ownership
Profit-cost ratio of industrial cost
Industrial added value
Supply exceeds demand; Oversupply
Joint stock cooperative enterprise
joint venture
share-holding bank
Fixed assets loan
reduce tariff
Preferential tariff incentives; Preferential tariff treatment
To regulate (or standardize) the behavior of ...
scale economy
beneficial to the people's livelihood
Other government expenditures from the state to individuals.
country risk
International division of labor
Trade payment balance
wholly state-owned commercial bank
Reasonable expectations
Core capital
joint venture
The macroeconomic performance is good and the macroeconomic operation is good.
Macroeconomic basis
Macroeconomic management (or adjustment)
Macro-control objectives
bad debt or loan
Loan service office
Unit export cost; Local currency cost of export income
Exchange of circulating funds in transit
Advance payment of beneficiary's bank remittance
Unified exchange rate
current deposit
Exchange rate misalignment
Mixed ownership and diversified (mixed) ownership
Monetary policy stance
Debts owed to suppliers
Capital investment in infrastructure
Basic economic factors economic base
Basically moderate scalability
benchmark interest rate
Deposits from non-profit organizations of government agencies and groups
Opportunity cost
A large inventory, a serious backlog; Overstock
Run a bank, squeeze deposits
Misappropriation and occupation of unnecessary diversified (financial) resources (non-design purposes)
Investment in technology upgrading
technology-intensive product
Cities under separate state planning
planned economy
Collective sector of collective economy
Strengthen structural adjustment and realize intensive structural adjustment.
processing trade
Accelerated trend
Strengthen tax collection and management and strengthen tax management
Weighted average price
Price liberalization
Price formation mechanism
reduce losses
Simplify procedures and reduce red tape; simplify the procedures
Active trading
Transfer of deposit reserve to deposit reserve
Structural imbalance
Structural contradictions are prominent and structural imbalances are sharp.
Structural improvement (optimization)
Settlement and sale of foreign exchange &; n
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Bsp foreign exchange
Financial fragility
financial turmoil
financial turmoil
financial panic
Financial crisis, financial crisis.
Financial repression
financial derivatives
Financial fraud financial fraud
Tightening monetary policy
Austerity policy; Tight fiscal policy
Current account convertibility
special economic zone
Economic reform of the economic system
The main source of economic growth has changed (from investment expansion to efficiency improvement)
Economic slowdown; Economic growth slowed down.
economic sanctions
Management autonomy
Economic recovery, recovery of business activities
overseas investment
intensifying competition
Local (isolated) financial turmoil
buyer's market
seller's market
Selling repurchased securities matches selling repurchased securities.
trade balance
Non-institutionalized credit of folk credit
Exempt from income tax for the first two years from the beginning of profit, and reduce the tax by half for the next three years.
Ming bu Ming bu
Dominant loss
brand name products
Home country (see "host country")
internal control
inside audit
Mainland and Hong Kong Mainland and Hong Kong
domestic debt
Turn losses into profits to turn losses into profits for loss-making enterprises.
Distorted allocation of financial resources
Expenditure planning of agricultural and sideline products procurement is used for agricultural procurement.
rural credit association
Bubble effect
Bubble economy
Cultivate new economic growth points and tap new economic growth points
One-sided pursuit of development speed, extreme pursuit of growth
balanced development
Bottleneck (restriction)
Steady recovery
Initial (start-up) working capital
A broad-based recovery has generally picked up.
Accompanying (supporting) reforms
Matching RMB funds? Local currency funds? Of ...
Enterprises run social enterprises with social responsibilities.
Enterprise group strategy
Company merger and reorganization
Enterprise management led by enterprises
business income tax
Enterprise profitability and enterprise benefit
Corporate funds illegally flow into the stock market, and corporate funds illegally flow into the stock market.
owing taxes
Overdue interest
Strengthen tax collection and management and strengthen tax management
Litigation for enforcement of judgment
Legacy effect of recoil factor
Cancel some applications
Clean up and recover loans
Liquidation (bankruptcy)
Inclined policy
Differential treatment
Trend strengthening
Return on equity
Lack of endurance
Revolving loan with revolving credit limit
per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
Per capita income
The upward pressure of RMB appreciation on RMB (exchange rate)
subscribed capital
soft loan
Soft budget constraint
"Soft landing"
Chain debt; Inter-enterprise arrears
Good governance and clean government
commercial loan
listed company
Utilization of equipment utilization capacity
Social security social safety net; Social security (insurance)
Deep-rooted structural imbalance
Examining and approving financial institutions to permit financial institutions.
Prudent supervision
Unused capacity in idle capacity
Interest-bearing assets
Actual utilization of foreign capital; Actual inflow of foreign capital
Real effective exchange rate
real time
paid-up capital
realize profits
Market segmentation
market economy
Market share (market share)
Market access (refers to the entry of goods and services); Market access (refers to institutional approval)
market value
Proper tightness
Adjust in time.
To recover (a loan to a financial institution) from the central bank.
After-tax repayment of after-tax loans
Tax loss
Insufficient tax source and weak tax base
Private economy, private sector
Private ownership
Owner's equity
Tax evasion (see "tax avoidance")
Arbitrage (1) is legal: currency swap; Arbitrage (2) refers to illegal purchase of foreign exchange.
Seasonal adjustment without seasonal factors
Adjust liquidity to affect liquidity level
Discount window
Calculated by year; Compared with the same period of the previous year
Inter-bank borrowing (lending)
Interbank Offered Market Interest Rate (China)
Inter-bank financing bill
Inter-bank transaction
Tax refund (rebate)
Position position
Adjustment of monetary base
Alienation; Non-intermediation
outside audit
foreign direct investment (FDI)
foreign exchange reserves
RMB counter part of foreign exchange reserves; Rmb equivalent of official foreign exchange reserves
export-oriented economy
foreign debt
full foreign-owned enterprises
Perfecting the modern enterprise system, perfecting the modern enterprise system
tax payment receipt
crooked deal
Entrusted deposit
Steady growth, steady growth
A sound banking system
Make progress while ensuring stability
Paperless transaction bookkeeping (or paperless/scriptless) transactions
Price monitoring
Absorb liquidity Absorb liquidity
Scarce economy in scarce economy
Money laundering
Dispatching fund allocation in banks in the system
systematic financial crises
Laid-off workers among laid-off workers
downstream company
spot checking
Cash retention (in the hands of residents) Cash held outside the banking system.
Township enterprises and rural enterprises (TVES)
Consumer price index
Consumption tax incentive tax
Eliminate the fiscal deficit
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Balanced budget; Eliminate the fiscal deficit
Return the sales revenue to the banking system.
Flat sales
Agreed amount of foreign investment promised amount of foreign investment
New economic growth point new economic growth point
New projects; Newly started project
New loans and incremental credit; Increment of loans; Credit growth; credit expansion
New job; New job opportunities
Credit scale assessment reviews the compliance of credit qualifications.
Distorted signal with distorted signal
trust (and investment) company
Information Asymmetry
Information feedback (information)
information sharing system
information disclosure
credit expansion
credit rating
Surname "Zi" or "She" related to socialism or capitalism; Socialist or capitalist
administrative measure
Demand expansion; Excess demand
False deposit whitewashes deposit.
Reduce redundant personnel to reduce redundant labor.
Quick rebound