That's the truth @
Please? keep? list? going? around? the? world....hit? Forward
Please send this letter to the whole world
and? add? your? name? to? the? bottom? of? the? list? before? you? send? it? on!
and put your name at the end and send
Just? sign? and? send? on,? this? is? Serious.
Please be sure to sign and send it. This is serious!
Denmark? is? a? big? Shame.
Denmark is our shame
The? sea? is? stained? in? red? And
the ocean is red with blood
in? the? Meanwhile
it's? not? because? of? the? climate? effects? of? Nature.
This is not caused by natural climate.
It's? because? of? the? cruelty? that? the? human? beings? (civilised? Human)
Is it because of cruel human beings (people in civilized society)
kill? hundreds? of? the? famous? and? intelligent? Calderon? Dolphins.
brutally killed hundreds of Cardron dolphins with high intelligence known to human beings
This? happens? every? year? in? Feroe? Iland? in? Denmark? .
This kind of thing happens every year in Philo, Denmark.
In? this? slaughter? the? main? participants? are? young? Teens.
The main participants in this massacre are young people
why is this happening?
A? celebration,? to? show? that? they? are? adults? and? mature!
Because this is a celebration, an adult ceremony to show that they have grown up
In? this? big? celebration,? nothing? is? missing? for? the? Fun.
This huge celebration was held perfectly
Everyone? is? participating? in? one? way? or? the? Other
everyone has their own way of celebrating
killing? or? looking? at? the? cruelty? “supporting? like? a? Spectator "
personally participated in the murder, or made a spectator with great enthusiasm for killing and cruelty to life
Is? it? necessary? to? mention? that? the? dolphin? Calderon
It is necessary for us to know something about Cardron dolphins
like? all? the? other? species? of? Dolphins,
They are just like other kinds of dolphins
S? near? extinction? and? they? get? near? men? to? play? and? Interact
is on the verge of extinction, and it has the same reaction ability and IQ as human beings. a? way? of? PURE? Friendship
in a "pure" friendship way
They? don’t? die? Instantly
they won't die immediately for a while
they? are? cut? 1,? 2? or? 3? times? with? thick? Hooks
They repeatedly scratched their skin with thick hooks
And? at? that? time? the? dolphins? produce? a? grim? cry? like? that? of? a? new? born? Child at this time, can we hear their tender and powerless cries like newborn babies?
But? he? suffers? and? there’s? no? Compassion
But they can only endure it silently, without any unnecessary pity
while? this? magnificent? creature? slowly? dies? in? its? own? Blood
When this magical creature slowly loses its life surrounded by its own blood
Its? enough!
we've seen enough!
We? will? send? this? Mail
We will relay this email
until? this? email? arrives? in? any? association? defending? the? Animals
until he reaches the hands of environmental organizations
we? won’t? only? Read.
We won't stand by and watch
That? would? make? us? accomplices,? Viewers
because that will make us accomplices! Look at the guest!
this is an email I received yesterday. I was shocked when I opened it. I was shocked by the shocking red! It's like something hit my heart
I suddenly remembered that in Michael's song "Earth? In the MV of song, those dolphins and sticks trapped in iron nets beat seals.
here, I would like to quote the author Sandra? Sasvari's passage in Michael Jackson and Humanity:
Martin Luther King said:
"The biggest tragedy of social transformation that history will remember is not the noise of bad people, but the silence of good people."
we must never be silent.
Blind obedience and cowardice are the reasons for the existence of bullies, and, to the extreme, for the massacre and the death of Michael Jackson.
We all have the nature of predators, and we may all kill the weak for our own desires-only some people try to control it.
As Michael Jackson's famous song sings, "If they ask why, why? /tell them that this is human nature. "
never be silent.
(transferred from MJJCN-Heal? thee? world)