Cards are divided into R, SR, SSR, PR, UR, HR, CP, LGR, SP, GR SR SSR levels. The rarity level is generally UR>SSR>SR>R>N (the highest level in some trading card game settings is SSR).
SSR stands for superior super rare. Generally the highest rarity level in trading card games.
Other rare levels:
1. UR, Ultra Rare.
Extremely rare, such as Identity V's Green Touch, Steampunk, etc. (equivalent to SSR in some trading card games, or even higher than SSR).
2. SR, Super Rare.
Ultra rare (generally less than).
3. R, Rare
Rare (generally the upper limit of rarity that can be drawn as an assistance point/friendship/assistance point).
4. N, Normal.
Common (the most common and easiest to obtain rarity level).
The levels of cards
The levels of "Ultraman" cards are not limited to one or a few game-specific terms. They are widely used in trading card games. rarity level classification. Ultraman's toys are definitely one of the main players in the toy market. From street newsstands to high-end department stores, it can be said that they range from affordable to high-end luxury.
In addition to the wide variety, the audience is also extremely large. Although not every boy owns an Ultraman, at least Ultraman will be an option every time parents choose a gift.