If you don't want the consignee to know who bought the goods, just check the anonymous purchase when submitting the order. Anonymous purchase and anonymous evaluation are invisible user names of users other than our sellers, and only our sellers can see them in the background.
Extended data
Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. Many websites need to register a user name to buy things, and only after entering the user name and password can the transaction be realized. When you bid, leave a message and comment, you will have the opportunity to choose anonymous purchase; Once you choose to buy anonymously, your bids, comments and comments on this baby are anonymous.
Benefits of anonymous purchase:
1. Others check the transaction records on the seller's baby page. The names of the members of the bidding records will be displayed anonymously, but they will see the full names.
2. On the seller evaluation page, the member name of your evaluation record will be displayed anonymously.
3. Others can't see this anonymous purchase record when viewing your evaluation management page, only they can see it.