As for signature, it refers to your unique "symbol" that is difficult to imitate. We in China are generally used to signing China's regular script or cursive script (it is recommended not to write regular script because it is easy to imitate), even fancy artistic style; You can also write Pinyin, and your English name even draws a circle as your signature.
The concept of signature signature is similar to handprint or seal, which is a personalized confirmation symbol for documents and contracts you want to confirm abroad in the future; From a legal point of view, the harder it is to copy, the better.
Note: It is recommended that your signature be consistent with the signature page on the last page of your passport. We in China are used to signing in Chinese, so we can sign in Chinese. In order to make it difficult for others to imitate, it is best to sign in cursive script.
Extended data
Other English filling introductions:
1, home address–house number, street and apartment number.
Home address-house number, street name and apartment number. Fill in the permanent address of China, such as a residential area, a road, a building and a room. The English order is just the opposite of the Chinese order. Don't fill in the names of countries, provinces and cities in this column.
Suppose you live in Room ABC of Shuiyin Road 12345 in Yuexiu District, and write it as Room ABC of Shuiyin Road 12345 in Yuexiu District. As for those who live in a community, such as a road, a building, a room in a community.
3. Province/State
The name of the province or state should have been filled in the phonetic name of the province or autonomous region, such as Guangdong. However, Canadians only gave four spaces. It seems that the province name of China can't be written down, so it doesn't matter if you squeeze in.
4. Country
Countries can fill in China or People's Republic of China (PRC); As long as it is People's Republic of China (PRC)'s name, it won't be so blank on this form.
5. Postal code
6. Arrival time
Mode of arrival by air; Rails; Ocean; Road/air; Railway; On the water; Highway. Check the box after the corresponding mode.
& lthead & gt& lt/head & gt; Set the document title and other information that are not displayed in the web page.
& lttitle & gt& lt/title & gt; Set the title of the