Keywords: signature
Word phonetic symbol:
Pronunciation of logo words: English [sa? N] beauty [sa? n]
Word definition:
Verb (abbreviation of verb) signature; Sign; Sign; Signature (name); Department (name); Sign (or apply for) with ...; Signal; Gestures; Sign language;
Sign; Signs; Signs; Omen; Signboard; Signs; Signboard; A gesture (or sound); Gestures; Symbol;
Phrase collocation:
Plus sign? Plus sign; postive sign
Pass the sign? By gesture
A definite sign of sth? A clear sign of sth; A clear sign of sth
No sign of [somebody]/[something]? To lose sight of [somebody]/[something]
Bilingual example:
I talked to him with gestures.
I talked to him with gestures.
This sign can't be read clearly because most of the fonts have been worn away.
This sign is difficult to read because most of the words have been worn away.
Make sure the sign is facing up.
Make sure the symbols are up and down correctly.
Pay special attention to the symbols of the answers.
Pay special attention to the symbols of the answers.