What is the command to view the computer configuration in the registry?
Start → Run → Collection of commands entered
Enter regedit to enter the registry to view the configuration
gpedit.msc-Group Policy
sndrec32-Sound Recorder
nslookup-IP Address Detector
explorer-Open Explorer
logoff - logoff command
tsshutdn - 60-second countdown shutdown command
lusrmgr.msc - local users and groups
services.msc - local services Settings
oobe/msoobe /a - check whether xp is activated
notepad - open notepad
cleanmgr - garbage collection
start messenger - start messenger service
pmgmt.msc - computer management
s messenger - stop messenger service
conf - start
dvdplay-dvd player
charmap - start character map
diskmgmt.msc - disk management utility program
calc - start calculator
dfrg .msc - Disk Defragmenter
chkdsk.exe - chkdsk Disk Check
devmgmt.msc - Device Manager
regsvr32 /u *.dll - Stop dll file operation
drwtsn32 - system doctor
rononce -p - shutdown in 15 seconds
dxdiag - check directx information
regedt32 - registration Table Editor
msconfig.exe - System Configuration Utility
rsop.msc - Group Policy Result Set
mem.exe - Display Memory Usage
regedit.exe - registry
winchat - xp comes with LAN chat
progman - program manager
winmsd - system information p>
perfmon.msc - computer performance monitoring program
winver - check windows version
sfc /scannow - scan for errors and recover
winver - check windows version
wmimgmt.msc - open windows management architecture
wupdmgr - windows update program
w script - windows script host settings
winmsd-System Information
wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Wizard
winchat-XP comes with LAN chat
mem.exe - display memory usage
msconfig.exe - system configuration utility
mplayer2 - simple
mspaint - drawing board
mstsc - Remote Desktop Connection
mplayer2 - Media Player
y-magnifying glass utility
mmc-open console
mobsync-synchronization command
dxdiag-check directx information
drwtsn32-system Doctor
devmgmt.msc - Device Manager
dfrg.msc - Disk Defragmenter
s messenger - Stop Messenger Service
start messenger - start messenger service
notepad - open notepad
nslookup - network management tool wizard
ntbackup - system backup and restore view computer configuration command?
Enter cmd-systeminfo in the run and everything will come out. What command in matlab can check the computer configuration? , what is the command that can view all computer configurations?
Enter cmd-systeminfo in the run and everything will appear! I don’t know if this is what you want! Commands to view computer configuration
What is the systeminfo computer registry command and what is the registry used for?
The 16-bit driver cannot work under Winnt, so all devices are controlled through the registry. Generally these are controlled through the BIOS. Under Win95, 16-bit drivers will continue to work as real-mode devices, which are controlled using system.ini. 16-bit applications will work under NT or Win95, and their programs will still refer to the win.ini and system.ini files for information and control. Without the registry, the operating system would not have the necessary information to run and control attached devices and applications and respond appropriately to user input. The registry in the system is a database that records the settings and locations of 32-bit drivers. When the operating system needs to access a hardware device, it uses a driver, even if the device is a BIOS-supported device. Devices without BIOS support must require drivers when installing them. This driver is independent of the operating system, but the operating system needs to know where to find them, the file name, version number, and other settings and information. Without a registry record of the device, they will cannot be used. When a user prepares to run an application, the registry provides application information to the operating system so that the application can be found, the location of the correct data files is specified, and other settings can be used. The registry holds information about the location of default data and auxiliary files, menus, button bars, window states, and other options. It also saves installation information (such as date), user who installed the software, software version number and date, serial number, etc. It contains different information depending on the software you installed. However, in general, the registry controls all 32-bit applications and drivers. The control method is based on the user and computer, and does not depend on the application or driver. Each registry parameter controls a user's function or Computer functions. User functions may include desktop appearance and user directories. Therefore, computer functions are related to the installed hardware and software, and items are common to all users. Some program functions have an impact on the user, and some are specific to the computer rather than to the individual. Similarly, drivers may be user-specific, but in many cases, they are common across computers. Examples of user-mode controls controlled by the registry include: Control Panel functionality; Desktop appearance and icons; Network parameters; Browser functionality and features; Some of those functions are user-independent, and some are user-specific. Computer-related controls are based on the computer name and have nothing to do with the logged-in user. An example of a control type is installing an application. The availability and access to the application are constant regardless of the user. However, the running application icon depends on the user logged in on the network.
Network protocol availability and priority are based on the computer, but are related to the current connection and user information. Here are some examples of computer-based control entries in the registry: Access control; Login confirmation; File and printer sharing; Network card settings and protocols; System performance and virtual memory settings; The registry controls all 32 bit applications and their functions and interactions between multiple applications, such as copy and paste, it also controls all hardware and drivers.
The running command to check the computer configuration
The running command to check the computer configuration is:
windowgt; gt; run gt; gt; dxdiag;
Other running commands are:
dxdiag---------Check DirectX information;
regedit---------Registry editing
regedt32-------registry editor;
msconfig-------system configuration;
msinfo32 -- ----- System information;
winmsd---------System information;
progman--------Program manager;
drwtsn32------ system doctor;
dxdiag.exe detection configuration;
gpedit.msc---------group policy;
pmgmt.msc---computer management;
devmgmt.msc--- device manager;
explorer-------Open the resource manager;
calc------Start the calculator;
write---- ------writing pad;
mspaint--------drawing pad;
Nslookup-------IP address detector;
diskmgmt.msc---disk management utility;
dfrg.msc---- ---Disk defragmentation program;
logoff---------logoff command;
tsshutdn-------60-second countdown shutdown command;
rononce -p----Shut down in 15 seconds;
lusrmgr.msc----Local users and groups;
services.msc--- Local service settings;
stat--------Port view;
conf----------Start meeting;
dvdplay--------DVD player;
charmap--------Start character mapping table;
chkdsk.exe---- -Chkdsk disk check;
regsvr32 /u *.dll----Stop dll file operation;
regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------Cancel ZIP support;
Msconfig.exe---system configuration utility program;
msconfig/auto system configuration utility program;
rsop.msc------- Group policy result set;
mem.exe--------Display memory usage;
lusrmgr.msc----Local users and groups;
winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat;
perfmon.msc----computer performance monitoring program;
winver--- ------Check Windows version
taskmgr-----Task Manager (2000/xp/2003);
wmimgmt.msc----Open Windows Management Architecture (WMI);
wupdmgr--------windows update program;
wscript--------windows script host settings;
oobe/msoobe / a----Check whether XP is activated;
wiaacmgr-------Scanner and Camera Wizard;
mplayer2-------Simple widnows media;
playerlogoff---------logout command;
mstsc----------remote desktop connection;
mplayer2 -------Media player;
magnify--------Magnifying glass utility;
mmc----------- -Console;
mobsync--------synchronization command;
dfg-------Open system component service;
ddeshare-------Open DDE share settings;
nslookup-------Tool wizard for network management;
ntbackup----- --System backup and restore;
narrator-------screen "narrator";
ntm *** gr.msc----Mobile Storage Manager ;
ntmsoprq.msc---Mobile storage administrator operation request;
stat-an----(TC) command check interface;
syncapp --------Create a briefcase;
sysedit--------System configuration editor;
sigverif-------File Signature verification program;
sndrec32-------Audio recorder;
shrpubw--------Create a shared folder;
secpol.msc-----local security policy;
syskey-----system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be decrypted, protecting the double password of Windows XP system;
services.msc---local service settings;
Sndvol32-------volume control program;
sfc.exe----- ---System file checker;
sfc/scannow---windows file protection;
iexpress-------Trojan bundled tool, the system comes with it;
tourstart------xp introduction (the tour xp program that appears after the installation is completed);
taskmgr--------task manager;
eventvwr-------event viewer;
eudcedit-------word creation program;
packager-------object packaging Program;
perfmon.msc----computer performance monitoring program;
progman--------program manager;
lman--------Auxiliary Tool Manager;
rsop.msc-------Group Policy Result Set;
cmd.exe---- ----CMD command prompt;
chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk disk check;
certmgr.msc----Certificate management utility;
f *** gmt.msc-----***Shared Folder Manager;
SERVER Client network utility;
Clipbrd--------clipboard viewer;
conf-----------Start meeting;
cleanmgr-------garbage cleaning;
ciadv.msc------index service program;
osk----- -------Open the on-screen keyboard;
odbcad32-------ODBC data source manager. Registry run command and view machine configuration command
regedit dxdiag How to use DOS command to view computer configuration
It is recommended that you enter Baidu to view the computer configuration command, which is available in Baidu Library, which is very detailed. I won’t copy it for you, there are too many. How to use linux commands to check computer configuration
cat /proc/cpuinfo to check cpu
free -m to check memory
fdisk -l to check hard disk partitions
df -h View the mounting directory
ifconfig View the network card information
ethtool eth0 View the network card working mode of Xiangxi
lspic lists all chip information