When Wu was seriously ill, Zhuge Liang secretly called Yang Yi, the chief historian, and Jiang Wei, the supervisor, to discuss ways to retreat. Wei Yan and Zhuge Liang were mentioned. If Wei Yan disobeys orders and goes his own way, let them deal with Wei Yan. Yang Yi was elected as the temporary conductor. The relationship between Yang Yi and Wei Yan is incompatible, and the bad feelings are deep.
After Zhuge Liang's death, Yang Yi sent Fei Yi to test Wei Yan. Wei Yan really mentioned, "Although the Prime Minister is dead, there is still me. You can send the Prime Minister's coffin back to Chengdu, and I will continue to attack at my own speed. I can't delay the northern expedition because of the death of the prime minister. Besides, I am above Yang Yi, who can listen to his arrangement and let me break up. " And Fei Yi agreed on how to arrange Zhuge Liang's funeral and how to arrange the army, and signed with Fei Yi to show his decision. Fei Yi pretended to agree, and informed Yang Yi when he came back. Jiang Wei quietly returned to Shu without informing Wei Yan's army. When Wei Yan sent someone to consult Yang Yi again, he found that he had been cheated and was very angry. I believe that the command should belong to me. So he rushed back to Chengdu and burned Zhong Shu to the plank road in Chengdu. He once wrote to Liu Chan, the former leader, to accuse Yang Yi, and Yang Yi also wrote to accuse Wei Yanyou of treason. The late master Liu Chan had no choice but to ask Dong Yun to leave the Governor of Jiangwan. Both Jiang Wan and Dong Yun were Zhuge Liang's confidants. They decided that Wei Yan was likely to rebel, so they ordered a crusade against Wei Yan.
On the way back to Chengdu through the plank road, Yang Yi led the army to be stopped by Wei Yan at Nangukou. Yang Yi sent Wang Ping to meet them. When Wang Ping saw Wei Yan, he shouted, "The Prime Minister has just died, and his bones are not cold. How dare you do such an act? " Wei Yan's army was shaken by this. As both the emperor and the prime minister Zhuge Liang tended to Yang Yi, Wei Yan was bound to rebel, so the army dispersed to Yang Yi's side.
Wei Yan was caught off guard, but escaped with his son and several cronies, trying to rush to his fief in Hanzhong. Yang Yi sent Ma Dai to kill Wei Yan and gave Wei Yan's head to Yang Yi. Yang Yi stepped on Wei Yan's head with her foot and sneered, "Slave, can you do evil again?" ! "Then he killed Wei Yan's three families.
So is Wei Yan a rebellion? In the biography of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi and Wei Yan, Chen Shou thinks that "those who did not surrender to the north of Wei but returned to the south want to kill Yi, etc.". On weekdays, generals are different, and when it comes to time, they must be replaced by light ones. This means so. Inconvenient betrayal. "
It means that if he rebelled, Wei would surrender to Wei Jun, and he wouldn't want to go back to Chengdu. He just wants to get rid of Yang Yi and others. Shu generals are usually at odds with Wei Yan. At this time, Wei Yan was determined subjectively to have ambition to replace Zhuge Liang in power. In fact, this is such a process, not rebellion.
Why Zhuge Liang suspected Wei Yan is also a mystery. History books are very vague. It can only be said that Wei Yan's thought deviated from Zhuge Liang's major policies, or even deviated. Zhuge Liang was forced to make a decision to deal with Wei Yan for the sake of stability. Objectively speaking, Wei Yan's death was caused by misunderstanding, which formed the internal struggle between Shu and Han, and it was inevitable and tragic.