Jiang De, a divorcee, is from Zaoyang County, Xiangyang District. Wang was appointed as his wife from childhood to marriage. After the door, the wife has many problems, which is the seven rules. Because I can't bear to say clearly, because I miss my husband and wife, I am willing to return my family and let it remarry. It makes no difference. Divorce is real. The palm was recorded in Chenghua for two years.
In ancient times, it was necessary to write a "divorce certificate", that is, to have a written divorce document. This divorce certificate should show the fact of divorce, and the woman can "remarry at will" from now on. With this divorce certificate, it is legal for divorced women to remarry even if the marriage relationship is officially dissolved. The back will be painted with a hand mold. This hand model needs a left hand, and the whole hand is stained with black ink on the divorce paper, unlike the present handprint, which only refers to fingerprints.
The word "seven out" mentioned in this paper originated from the Han Dynasty and is called "seven to go" and "seven to abandon". It is said that "women have seven trips": they don't go with their parents (
This refers to in-laws), go; No children, go; Yin, go; Be jealous, go; If you are seriously ill, go; Say one more word and go; Steal, go. "And that disobedient parents because of their perverse virtue, childless is their last child, promiscuity is their messy home, jealousy is their messy home, they can't live without * * * (for sacrifice) if they have a bad disease, talkative is their difference, and stealing is their antonym. However, the phenomenon of becoming a wife has existed for a long time. In the pre-Qin period, women were called "returning" when they got married and divorced, and also called "returning" when they divorced, and divorced women were called "abandoning their wives". The "seven marriages" put forward in the Han Dynasty are related to the "five non-marriages" (incestuous families, rebellious families, daughters of families who were punished and suffered from bad diseases in the previous generation, and eldest daughters without mothers). In this way, we have kept two barriers to marriage. In the Tang dynasty, the "seven outings" rule was written into the law. When you can't go out and abandon your wife casually, you will be interfered by the law; And change the order of the seven out to "childless, fornication, not serving menstruation (in-laws), talking, stealing, jealousy, and malignant diseases. "The Great Qing Law was changed to" childless, ignorant, dissolute, jealous, abusive, talkative and stealing "; For a woman who commits adultery, there is no contingency of "three noes". The change of the order of "seven endings" reflects the different standards required of women in different times.