, decompress openssl packages, enter the directory of openssl
, and perl Configure VC-WIN32
try to execute the command in this directory, otherwise the configure file cannot be found, or the complete configure file path can be specified.
, ms\do_ms
execute the ms\do_ms command
and nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak in the unzipped directory, and then execute it in the unzipped directory of openssl after compilation. The output files are in the out32dll, including the executable files, lib files and dll files of the application.
Note: When running the fifth step, the cl compiler will complain that the read of. \crypto\des\enc_read.c file is the POSIX name for this item is deprecated, and it is recommended to use _read. Hehe, I don't want to change all the read functions in OpenSSL to _read. Look at cl's error code error C222, So I searched on MSDN:
warning treated as error-no object file generated
/wxtells the compiler to treat all warnings as errors. since an error occurred, No object or executable file was generated.
Because the /WX option is set, all warnings are treated as errors. . .
then open the ntdll.mak file under the MS directory under the OpenSSL directory, remove the /WX option of CFLAG and save it.