Gomez said on Cobe Radio: "My source told me that after the match between Paris Saint-Germain and Marseille, Marseille defender Hiroki Sakai approached the public relations department of Marseille Club and said that Neymar said' Chino de Mierda' to him during the match. Subsequently, the Marseille public relations team began to watch the game video frame by frame. Not long ago, the public relations team in Marseille finally found a video to prove that Neymar said this to Hiroki Sakai. Marseille has prepared this material. If Paris sues alvaro gonzalez, Marseille will take back this video. "
Gomez also revealed: "Gonzalez has told me that they have also prepared a video material to respond to Brazil's allegations of so-called' lip experts'. Earlier, some Brazilian media accused Gonzalez of saying' Vete a la Mierda, Mono' to Neymar, while Gonzalez insisted that he said' Vete a la Mierda Mongolo'. " Mono means "monkey", which is a racist speech against Brazilians. Alves has been attacked by this word many times before. Mongolo, on the other hand, is a common swearing language and does not involve racial discrimination.
Gomez said that the French side will make a final conclusion on this matter tomorrow local time, and they will also try to interview the parties to the incident and restore the truth.
Ma Juan-Castano, the host of Cobe Radio, said: "Even referees may be popular on the court. This argument should be settled as soon as possible. If we continue to ferment, every word of the players on the field will be stripped off and more people will be offended. Today it may be Brazilian, China, Japanese, and tomorrow it may be black, Argentine and so on. "