1, article abstract:
{dede:field.description /} or [field: description/];
2, the article time call:
[field: pub date function = "my date ('Y-m-d', @me)"/] can be called in this form, in which" My date ('y-m-d', @me) "can be modified as needed;
Dream weaving CMS article page keyword call:
1. Open the article page template file templates/default/article _ article.htm;
2. Insert the following code into the appropriate position under the text label {dede:field.body/}. You can define CSS display label styles.
Tags related to articles: {dede: tag row =' 8' sort =' week'} < a href =' [field: link/]' target = "_ blank" > [field:tag/]& lt; /a & gt; {/dede:tag }; Update all articles to be displayed.
Mark | Mark Call:
Label name: label;
Function description: TAG calls tag;
Scope of application: global use.
Basic grammar:
{ dede:tag sort = ' new ' get all = ' 0 ' } & lt; a href = '[field:link/]' & gt; [field:tag/]& lt; /a & gt; {/dede:tag} Related functions:
Line 4 of the file \include\taglib\tag.lib.php;
Function lib_tag. $ ctag & amp; $refObj).
Parameter description:
Row='30' number of calls;
Sort='new' sort mode month, rand, week; ;
Getall='0' Get type 0 is the TAG TAG of the current content page, and 1 is to get all the tag tags.