Learn how to write a good signature.
(1) is used in ordinary occasions and wants a unique signature; At this time, if you want a unique signature, you can start with the strokes of your own name, add a little Lian Bi and cursive script, or exaggerate some strokes to achieve some intuitive aesthetic feeling. For example, the common name "",at this time, the strokes on the word "Li" are exaggerated, and the numbers are more and more beautiful. (2) When used in more formal occasions, the correct signature is impressive. At this time, I don't quite agree to write with exaggerated brushstrokes, but I agree to highlight brushstrokes. It is better to write with a water-based pen at this time. For example: Yang Xiaoxiao (3) especially wants to write his signature well, and he can write it at any time, and the requirements are very beautiful. This requirement is relatively high and requires a long period of practice. Of course, there are also some indispensable tips, such as drawing a stroke on the word after writing and making the strokes more delicate.