Translated from Planet Station - EXO Chinese Support Station (Translator: Sun Datou)
The lyrics are based on the translated pictures of Planet Station, and they are completely typed by hand. . Who sang it was added by me after watching the video.
EXO-K history
KAI: Do you feel it when listening? My heart is no longer beating
Chanyeol: (my heart be breakin)
Baekhyun & Sehun: I used to cry with anger in my heart, shout "ha!" I also roared angrily Over
Chanyeol: (my pain be creepin)
D.O: Black and white, still in the south and north, the scene of endless war, the despair of the sun that is divided into two
ALL: After wandering in the distance, we return to the original starting point. Even if we make mistakes, we will learn lessons and become stronger.
The day when we merge into a huge force like the sun, oh oh, we will move towards it together. The future
i need you and you want me On this planet called Earth oh oh
Every energetic eyeryday The history I created
SOHU: break it! Ambition's foul move it! The so-called virtue of destruction
Chanyeol: (no more shakin like that)
D.O: magic Time and history are like rebirth after being washed
Baekhyun: In Wandering in time and space, dreaming of the morning in the Garden of Eden
Let’s go! We were born for this
ALL: i need you and you want me on this planet called earth oh oh
The place where dreams are born That day we rose again
Rise, rise, rise (turn it on) rise, rise, rise
Chanyeol: When you want to believe in eternity, you hesitate to take action
D.O: Maybe tomorrow is the end, forget regrets and don’t be afraid
SOHU: Please love, love, love, the more harmonious the more perfect you are
Baekhyun : All the sorrows and joys are here. I am the same living body as you
Chanyeol: YA! The moment when we were born as one
The moment when we slowly met this consumed world
ALL: We gradually became distant and gradually
were thrown into The two halves of the sun have lost their power
More and more, more and more, more and more, more and more
Sehun: The world where we meet again the world of our dreams< /p>
KAI: My heart is beating strongly
doong doong doong doong doong doong doong
ALL: After wandering, it returns to the original starting point
< p>Chanyeol: yeah exom—mexo-k The future history we startedALL: The day when we merged into a power as huge as the sun
KAI: oh the same heart sun The infinite us
become a stronger body
ALL: i need you and you want me, on this planet called Earth oh oh
very energetic eyeryday The history I created