The NBA 1987 draft was also a very high-quality draft. The No. 1 pick? Admiral David Robinson. For Jordan, he sent his most capable teammate Scottie Pippen, a great shooter with full personality. Reggie Miller, great players like Kenny Smith, Kevin Johnson. Let's take a look at the list of NBA draft picks in 1987.
The first round of NBA 1987 draft picks
1. David Robinson, San Antonio David Robinson
2. Armon Gilliam, Phoenix
3. Dennis Hopson, New Jersey
4. Los Angeles Clippers Reggie Williams
5. Seattle Scottie Pippen
6. Sacramento Kenny Smith
7. Cleveland Kevin Johnson Kevin Johnson
8. Chicago Olden Polynice
9. Seattle Derrick McKey Derrick- McGee
10. Chicago Horace Grant Horace Grant
11. Indiana Reggie Miller
12. Washington Tyrone Bogues Tyrone- Burges
13. Los Angeles Clippers Joe Wolf
14. Golden State Tellis Frank
15. Utah Jose Ortiz
16 . Philadelphia Christian Welp
17. Portland Ronnie Murphy
18. New York Mark Jackson
19. Los Angeles Clippers Ken Norman
20. Dallas Jim Farmer
21. Atlanta Dallas Comegys
22. Boston Reggie Lewis
23. San Antonio Greg Anderson second Round
1. Detroit Fred Banks
2. New York Ron Moore
3. Dallas Steve Alford
4. San Antonio Nate Blackwell < /p>
5. Chicago Rickie Winslow
6. Portland Lester Fonville
7. Portland Nikita Wilson
8. Denver Andre Moore
9. Milwaukee Bob McCann
10. Chicago Tony White
11. Indiana Brian Rowsom
12. Houston Doug Lee
13. Duane Washington
14. Derrick Dowell
15. Norris Coleman, Los Angeles Clippers
16. Vincent Askew, Philadelphia
17. Winston Garland, Milwaukee
18. Kannard Johnson, Cleveland
19. Terence Bailey, Atlanta
20. Andrew Kennedy, Philadelphia
21. Terry Coner, Atlanta
22. Brad Lohaus, Boston
23. Bruce Dalrymple, Phoenix Third round
1 . Tim McCalister, Los Angeles Clippers
2. Jamie Waller, New Jersey
3. Jerome Batiste, New York
4. Phil Zevenbergen, San Antonio
5. Sacramento Sven Myer
6. Cleveland Donald Royal
7. Phoenix Winston Crite
8. Denver Tom Schafer
9 . Seattle Tommy Amaker
10. Chicago John Fox
11. Philadelphia Hansi Gnad
12. Golden State Darryl Johnson
13. Washington Danny Pearson
14. Indiana Sean Couch
15. Utah Clarence Martin
16. Philadelphia Eric Riggins
17. Waves Kevin Gamble
18. J. J. Weber, Milwaukee
19. Eric White, Detroit
20. Mike Richmond, Dallas
21 . Atlanta Song Tao Song Tao
22. Utah Billy Donovan
23. Los Angeles Lakers Willie Glass Fourth Round
1. Boston Tom Sheehey
2. New York Mike Morgan
3. New Jersey Andrew Moten
4. San Antonio Todd May
5. Sacramento Joe Arlauckas
< p> 6. Cleveland Chris Dudley Chris Dudley7. Phoenix Steve Beck
8. Denver David Boone
9. Seattle Todd Linder
10. Chicago Jack Haley
11. Cleveland Carven Holcomb
12. Washington Scott Thompson
13. Houston Joe Niego
14. Golden State Benny Bolton
15. Utah Reuben Holmes
16. Philadelphia Brian Rahilly
17. Porter Norwood Barber
18. Darryl Bedford, Milwaukee
19. Dave Popson, Detroit
20. David Johnson, Dallas
21. Atlanta Theofanis Christodoulou
22. Boston Darryl Kennedy
23. Los Angeles Lakers Ralph Tally Fifth round
1. Los Angeles Clippers Chad Kessler
2. James Blackmon, New Jersey
3. Glenn Clem, New York
4. Dennis Willliams, San Antonio
5. Vernon Carr, Sacramento
6 . Cleveland Carl Lott
7. Phoenix Brent Counts
8. Denver Ron Grandison
9. Seattle Michael Tait
10. Chicago Anthony Wilson
11. Indiana Mike Milling
12. Houston Andre LaFleur
13. Golden State Terry Williams
14 . Patrick Fairs, Washington
15. Bart Kofoed, Utah
16. Frank Ross, Philadelphia
17. David Moss, Portland
18. Brian Vaughns, Milwaukee
19. Gerry Wright, Detroit
20. Sam Hill, Dallas
21. Jose Antonio Montero, Atlanta
22. Boston Dave Butler, sixth round
1. Los Angeles Lakers Kenny Travis
2. Los Angeles Clippers Martin Nessley
3. New York Howard Triche
4. Perry Bromwell, New Jersey
5. Ricky Brown, San Antonio
6. Darryl Thomas, Sacramento
7. Harold Jensen, Cleveland
p>8. Phoenix Marcel Boyce
9. Denver Kelvin Scarborough
10. Seattle Tom Gneiting
11. Chicago Doug Altenberger
12. Gary Graham, Indiana
13. Sarunas Marciulionis, Golden State
14. Dwayne Scholten, Washington
15. Fred Jenkins, Houston
< p> 16. Utah Art Sabb17. Philadelphia Tracy Foster
18. Portland Bernard Johnson
19. Milwaukee Gay Elmore
p>20. Detroit Antoine Joubert
21. Dallas Quintan Gates
22. Atlanta Riccardo Morandou
23. Boston Tim Naegeli
24. Frank Ford, Los Angeles Lakers, seventh round
1. Henry Carr, Los Angeles Clippers
2. Frank Booker, New Jersey
3. Wayne Williams, New York < /p>
4. Raynard Davis, San Antonio
5. Scott Adubato, Sacramento
6. Michael Foster, Cleveland
7. Roy Singleton, Phoenix
8. Denver Rowan Gomes
9. Seattle Mike Giomi
10. Chicago Earvin Leavy
11. Indiana Montel Hatcher
12. Washington Jamie Dixon
13. Houston Clarence Grier
14. Golden State Ronnie Leggette
15. Utah Keith Webster
p>16. Philadelphia Eric Semisch
17. Portland Kenny Stone
18. Denver Curtis Hunter
19. Detroit Mark Gottfried
p>20. Dallas Gerald White
21. Atlanta Franjo Arapovic
22. Boston Jerry Corcoran
23. Los Angeles Lakers Ron Vanderschaaf