Name: Evanna Lynch
Translated name: Evanna Lynch (some websites will translate it into "Evanna Lynch") Vanna Lynch" or "Evanna Lynch")
Birthday: August 16, 1991
Hometown: Seaside Town
Height: 5 feet (approximately 152 cm)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
School: Cartown
Parents: Ma Gretel, Donne Lynch
Siblings: sister Emily and two pets
About Evanna: She is a huge Harry Potter fan; she has two cats named They were Luna and Crushanks respectively; When Luna's campaign for the actress began, she convinced her parents to let her out of the hospital for a day so she could campaign; She has a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix autographed by J.K. Rowling "In order to participate in Luna's actor campaign, she and her father flew to London specially.