1. One copy of the indictment and provide copies according to the number of defendants. Both the original and the copy of the complaint must be provided. If the plaintiff is an individual, he must personally sign in the "Plaintiff" column. If the plaintiff is an organization, the legal representative (or person in charge) must sign it and stamp it with the official seal of the organization. 2. Main evidence materials, and provide copies (photocopies) according to the number of defendants. It includes the following evidence: (1) Evidence proving the plaintiff’s right to sue; (2) Evidence proving the existence of a civil legal relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant; (3) Evidence proving the existence of the facts and reasons alleged by the plaintiff; (4) Other possible evidence. Evidence supporting the plaintiff’s claim. 3. Identity proof of the plaintiff and defendant: (1) If the plaintiff is an individual, provide a copy of his ID card, and if necessary, provide the plaintiff’s household registration certificate; if the defendant is an individual, provide his household registration certificate or temporary residence certificate; (2) The plaintiff is an organization If the defendant is an entity, provide a copy of its business license and the original identity certificate of the legal representative; if the defendant is an entity, provide its industrial and commercial registration certificate. 4. If you entrust another person to litigate, you must also submit a clearly authorized power of attorney and a copy of the trustee's ID card, and provide the originals for inspection. 5. If you entrust a lawyer to litigate, you must also submit a clearly authorized power of attorney, a certificate of acceptance by the law firm, a letter and a copy of the lawyer's certificate.