0x000000 1 16 (equivalent to the new blue screen representation code BCCode: 1 16).
The specified extended attribute code is invalid.
Microsoft explanation > please consider the following:
When you plug in the monitor of the auxiliary monitor port on a computer running Windows, an error message will appear: "Stop 0x00000 1 16".
Configure display settings with dual graphics cards in safe mode.
Unplug the auxiliary monitor.
The system displays a blue screen because you have configured the system to be inactive for a period of time and then turn off the display output.
When you turn off the output of the auxiliary display port, it shows that you hot plug in the auxiliary display port.
Solution: First, update your graphics card driver with Microsoft digital signature authentication WHQL.
If your computer is equipped with dual graphics cards, try disabling one of them in the Installation Manager.
1 16 The blue screen is mostly driven by the graphics card or set by the graphics card. There is something wrong with the graphics card itself. In a few cases, this blue screen will also appear when the graphics card is overheated and unresponsive. In short, this blue screen is basically related to the graphics card.
/results.aspx? form = mssupport & ampqsc 0 = % E6 % 94% AF % E6 % 8C % 8 1 & amp; q = 0x 000000 1 16
Good luck, and if it helps, I hope to adopt it in time.