18.2 the use of zedgraph control 344
18.3 Use of RDLC report 349
18.4 summary 355 static page generation technology 356
The file system in 19. 1.net.356
19. 1. 1 drive info class 356
19. 1.2 Directory and Directory Information Class 359
19. 1.3 file and FileInfo class 362
19. 1.4 Path Category 366
IO system in 19.2. Jing 369
19.2. 1 byte stream 369
19.2.2 Character-based Streams 373
19.3 static page generation technology 378
19. 3. 1 Why do you want to generate a static page 378?
19.3.2 when to generate static page 379
How to Generate a Static Page 379
19.4 summary 387 20. 1 custom encryption 388
20.2 symmetric encryption 39 1
20.3 asymmetric encryption 398
20.4 Encrypted Signature 402
20.5 Encrypted Hash 403
20.6 abstract 406 2 1. 1 program code optimization 407
2 1. 1. 1 set operation 407
2 1. 1.2 string connection optimization 4 10
2 1. 1.3 type conversion optimization 4 13
2 1. 1.4 Use the server. Transfer () method 4 14.
2 1. 1.5 Avoid unnecessary server round trip 4 14
2 1. 1.6 Release the object as soon as possible 4 15
2 1. 1.7 Minimize the use of server controls 4 15
2 1.2 data operation optimization 4 15
2 1.2. 1 database connection object usage optimization 4 15
2 1.2.2 data access optimization 4 16
2 1.2.3 optimized SQL statement 4 16
2 1.2.4 Rational use of cache 4 16
2 1.3 configuration optimization 420
2 1.3. 1 Disable debug mode 420
2 1.3.2 Rational use of view state 420
2 1.3.3 Reasonable selection of session state data
2 1.3.3 storage mode 423
2 1.4 Summary 424 22. 1 Project Introduction 425
22.2 database design 426
22.3 entity layer design 429
22.4 Data Access Layer Design 433
22.5 Business logic layer design 44 1
22.6 Description of website project and unit test project 447
22.7 Summary 448