Full text:
The king of Wei wanted to attack Handan. When Liang Ji heard about it, he went to see Wang Wei and said:
"When I came here today, I saw people in big banks driving in the north and said to my minister,' I want Chu.' I said:
Chu, the king of Chu, will be North? He said, "My Ma Liang. The minister said,' although the horse is good, this is not the way of Chu.' Said, "I often use it." The minister said,' although there are many uses, this is not the way of Chu.' Say,' I'm good at guarding others.' This is the better the person, the farther away from Chu. Today, Wanimal wants to be the overlord, and it wants to believe in the world. Relying on the size of the kingdom and the strong soldiers, we will attack Handan Guangzun, move over the king, and get farther away from the king. Jude to chu, north. "
Wang Wei intends to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji came back halfway. He didn't have time to stretch his clothes and wash his dust, so he went to see Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met a man on the road who was driving his car north." He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said,' the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!' He said,' I have a lot of travel expenses.' I said,' Even if the toll is high, this is not the direction to go to Chu.' He added, "My coachman is good at driving." I finally said,' The better these are, the farther away from Chu!' Now the king's every move wants to establish a hegemony and gain prestige in the world; However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, the more you take the action of attacking Handan to expand your land and make your name noble, the farther away you will undoubtedly be from your career. Is this different from the man who wanted to go to Chu but went to the north? "
Interviewee: Five Elements Myth-Ten Levels 2009-6-1610:13
The story is-
Wang Wei intends to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji came back halfway. He didn't have time to stretch his clothes and wash his dust, so he went to see Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met a man on the road who was driving his car north." He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said,' the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!' He said,' I have a lot of travel expenses.' I said,' Even if the toll is high, this is not the direction to go to Chu.' He added, "My coachman is good at driving." I finally said,' The better these are, the farther away from Chu!' Now the king's every move wants to establish a hegemony and gain prestige in the world; However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, the more you take the action of attacking Handan to expand your land and make your name noble, the farther away you will undoubtedly be from your career. Is this different from the man who wanted to go to Chu but went to the north? "
Interviewee: Memories of Youth-Level 2 2009-6-161:17.
As long as you have perseverance and perseverance, you can succeed in everything.
Respondent: Wu 525942090- Grade II 2009-June-1June 20: 49.
Original text:
Wang Wei wanted to attack Han, and Liang Ji remonstrated, saying, "When I came here today, I saw people on the embankment, so I drove north by myself. I said to the minister,' I want Chu. I said,' will the monarch of Chu laugh at Xi as the north? Said, "My Ma Liang. Said:' Although the horse is good, this is not the road to Chu. He said, "I often use it. I said:' Although there are many uses, this is not the way of Chu. Said:' I am a good ruler. The better the number, the farther away from Chu. Today, Wanimal wants to be the overlord, and it wants to believe in the world. Relying on the size of the kingdom and the strong soldiers, we will attack Handan Guangzun, move over the king, and get farther away from the king. Jude to chu, north. "
Wang Wei intends to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji came back halfway. He didn't have time to stretch his clothes and wash his dust, so he went to see Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met a man on the road who was driving his car north." He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said,' the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!' He said,' I have a lot of travel expenses.' I said,' Even if the toll is high, this is not the direction to go to Chu.' He added, "My coachman is good at driving." I finally said,' The better these are, the farther away from Chu!' Now the king's every move wants to establish a hegemony and gain prestige in the world; However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, the more you take the action of attacking Handan to expand your land and make your name noble, the farther away you will undoubtedly be from your career. Is this different from the man who wanted to go to Chu but went to the north? "
Respondent:1016508102-Level II 2009-6- 17 20:30.
Original text:
Wang Wei wanted to attack Han, and Liang Ji remonstrated, saying, "When I came here today, I saw people on the embankment, so I drove north by myself. I said to the minister,' I want Chu. I said,' will the monarch of Chu laugh at Xi as the north? Said, "My Ma Liang. Said:' Although the horse is good, this is not the road to Chu. He said, "I often use it. I said:' Although there are many uses, this is not the way of Chu. Said:' I am a good ruler. The better the number, the farther away from Chu. Today, Wanimal wants to be the overlord, and it wants to believe in the world. Relying on the size of the kingdom and the strong soldiers, we will attack Handan Guangzun, move over the king, and get farther away from the king. Jude to chu, north. "
Wang Wei intends to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji came back halfway. He didn't have time to stretch his clothes and wash his dust, so he went to see Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met a man on the road who was driving his car north." He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said,' the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!' He said,' I have a lot of travel expenses.' I said,' Even if the toll is high, this is not the direction to go to Chu.' He added, "My coachman is good at driving." I finally said,' The better these are, the farther away from Chu!' Now the king's every move wants to establish a hegemony and gain prestige in the world; However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, the more you take the action of attacking Handan to expand your land and make your name noble, the farther away you will undoubtedly be from your career. Is this different from the man who wanted to go to Chu but went to the north? "
Respondent: 78529646 1pws- Grade I 2009-6- 18 13:03.
The king of Wei wanted to attack Handan. When Liang Ji heard about it, he went to see Wang Wei and said:
"When I came here today, I saw people in big banks driving in the north and said to my minister,' I want Chu.' I said:
Chu, the king of Chu, will be North? He said, "My Ma Liang. The minister said,' although the horse is good, this is not the way of Chu.' Said, "I often use it." The minister said,' although there are many uses, this is not the way of Chu.' Say,' I'm good at guarding others.' This is the better the person, the farther away from Chu. Today, Wanimal wants to be the overlord, and it wants to believe in the world. Relying on the size of the kingdom and the strong soldiers, we will attack Handan Guangzun, move over the king, and get farther away from the king. Jude to chu, north. "
Wang Wei intends to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji came back halfway. He didn't have time to stretch his clothes and wash his dust, so he went to see Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met a man on the road who was driving his car north." He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said,' the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!' He said,' I have a lot of travel expenses.' I said,' Even if the toll is high, this is not the direction to go to Chu.' He added, "My coachman is good at driving." I finally said,' The better these are, the farther away from Chu!' Now the king's every move wants to establish a hegemony and gain prestige in the world; However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, the more you take the action of attacking Handan to expand your land and make your name noble, the farther away you will undoubtedly be from your career. Is this different from the man who wanted to go to Chu but went to the north? "
Respondent: Zhen Hong Fairy-Level 1 June 24, 2009 13: 02.
Try to drive the chariot north to the south-act against your intentions.
Respondents:125.115.101. * 24 June 2009 18;