Gpedit.msc-group policy snd rec 32- tape recorder
Nslookup-IP Address Detector Browser-Opens the Explorer.
60-second countdown shutdown command.
Lusrmgr.msc-Local User and Group Services.msc-Local Service Settings
Oobe/msoobe/a- Check whether XP activates Notepad-Open Notepad.
Cleanmgr-garbage disposal network startup messenger-startup messenger service.
Compmgmt.msc-Computer Management Network Stop Messenger-Stop Messenger Service.
CONF- start NetMeeting DVD playback -DVD player.
Charmap- Start the character mapping table diskmgmt.msc-Disk Management Utility.
Calc-start the computer. Master of Science.
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check device manager
Regsvr32/u *。 Dll- stop running dll file drwtsn32-system doctor
Rononce-p- 15 seconds to close dxdiag- check DirectX information.
Registry Editor Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
RSOP。 Master of science-memory. Exe- Group Policy Result Set-Displays memory usage.
Regedit.exe-win chat-XP comes with local area network chat.
Program Manager WinMSD- System Information
Perfmon.msc-Winver, a computer performance monitoring program-check the Windows version.
Sfc /scannow-Scans for errors and restores winipcfg-IP configuration.
Task Manager (2000/XP/2003) Command -cmd
Fsmgmt.msc *** Enjoy the netstat-an-View port of the folder.
Osk screen keyboard install.asp- modify the registration page.
Eventvwr.msc event viewer
Secpol.msc local security settings
Services.msc service