Keywords: e-commerce; International economy and trade; Countermeasure research
China library classification number: F740.4 document ID: A document number:1001-828x (2017) 007-0-01.
At this stage, economy and trade have entered a relatively new era, and the traditional international trade model has gradually withdrawn from the historical stage [1]. Based on this, in e-commerce, in order to promote the development of the international trade market, it will bring new business opportunities, and then bring greater challenges. As a new industry, e-commerce has brought a series of influences to the global national economy. Compared with developed countries, China's current level of international trade development is not advanced enough, so it is necessary for relevant staff to intensify their research. Based on relevant work experience, the author will comprehensively analyze the basic concepts and applications of e-commerce, and then analyze the positive and negative effects of e-commerce development on international trade, and then put forward targeted solutions.
First, the basic concept and application of electronic commerce
1. Basic concepts
With the continuous development of the network, e-commerce should