Many secure electronic transaction protocols or standards have adopted some commonly used secure electronic transaction methods and means. Typical methods and means are as follows:
1. Cryptography
(1) public key and private key
(2) Digital Digest: This encryption method is also called SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) or MD5 (MD Standard for Message Digest), designed by Ron Rivest. This coding method uses one-way hash function to convert plaintext to a series of ciphertexts of 128bit. This series of ciphertext is also called digital printing, and its length is fixed. Different plaintexts are summarized into ciphertext, and the results are always different, but the abstracts of the same plaintext must be consistent. In this way, this abstract can be used as evidence to verify whether the plain text is the original text.
The above two methods can be combined, and digital signature is an example of the combination of these two methods.
2. Digital signature
3. Digital timestamp
4. Digital certificate, digital ID card)
5. Certification Authority