Irrational prescriptions include irregular prescriptions, inappropriate medication, and excessively long prescriptions.
If any of the following circumstances occurs, it shall be determined as an irregular prescription.
1. The preamble, body and postscript of the prescription are missing, the writing is irregular or the handwriting is difficult to read.
2. The doctor’s signature or seal is irregular or inconsistent with the sample of the signature or seal.
3. The pharmacist fails to review the suitability of the prescription (the review, blending, verification, and dispensing columns of the prescription postscript do not review the blending pharmacist and verify the signature of the dispensing pharmacist, or the single person on duty does not perform double dispensing) signature requirements).
4. The prescription for premature infants, newborns, infants and young children does not specify the weight or age in days and months.
5. Chemical drugs, Chinese patent medicines and Chinese medicine decoction pieces are not prescribed separately.
6. Prescriptions are issued without using the standardized name of the drug.
7. The dosage, specification, quantity, unit, etc. of the drug are not written in a standardized or unclear manner.
8. Use ambiguous words such as "follow the doctor's advice", "for personal use", etc. in terms of usage and dosage.
9. The modification of the prescription is not signed and the date of modification is not indicated, or the reason for overdose of the drug is not indicated and signed again.
10. No clinical diagnosis is included in the prescription or the clinical diagnosis is incompletely written.
11. A single outpatient and emergency prescription contains more than 5 kinds of medicines.
12. Without special circumstances, outpatient prescriptions exceed 7 days' dosage, emergency prescriptions exceed 3 days' dosage, chronic diseases, geriatric diseases or special circumstances require an appropriate extension of prescription dosage without indicating the reason.
13. Prescribing narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, medical toxic drugs, radioactive drugs and other specially managed drugs without complying with relevant national regulations (including prescription color, dosage, supporting documents, etc.).
14. Physicians fail to prescribe antibacterial drugs in accordance with the regulations on clinical application management of antibacterial drugs.
15. Prescription drugs for traditional Chinese medicine preparations are not arranged in the order of "lord, minister, assistant, envoy", or special requirements such as drug dispensing and decoction are not marked as required.