Everything starts from the unique structure of your name to choose the signature that suits you. Some names, such as Lei Teng, Zhou Zhenguo and Xi Linlin, should give up the pursuit of chic style and choose a clean and energetic style. If your name is how,,, you should choose a smooth and free style.
In addition, the signature should be selected according to different situations and occasions, and the signature style is different for solemn on-site contracts and relaxed and active occasions; The signature should also be selected according to the object. If it is an elder or superior, it should be based on a correct and generous signature; If the object is a friend, an acquaintance or a lover, you can sign it fancy. Similarly, the signatures on formal contracts, documents and personal letters should be different.
2. When designing the signature, the words should be as close as possible, and there should be no gap between words like writing on weekdays.
The signature should form a continuous sense of integrity as far as possible, and there should be no complete disconnection between words. Pay attention to the bridge between left and right characters in horizontal signature, and pay attention to the bridge between upper and lower characters in vertical signature. Visually, you can't give the feeling that the herringbone is out of touch with the word, but you should give people a sense of wholeness regardless of you and me.
This requires that the characters should be as closely dependent as possible, so that the spatial effects of stroke distribution are completely connected. This requires us to understand the fusion method of "avoiding reality and making empty" in spatial processing, and make full use of the cohesion of strokes to fill in the blanks.
3. The use of strokes is a common method in signature design.
Pay attention to the analysis of the same or similar strokes between words in your name, so that the signature forms an inseparable whole.
The use of * * * in strokes can be used in characters as well as in signatures, and the use of * * * in characters accounts for the majority, but it should be noted that the use of strokes in * * * should be natural and smooth, and should not be stiff and far-fetched.
4. The order of strokes can be changed. Some signatures can reverse the order of strokes, and the strokes written first are written at the end, such as the signature of "Wen" and the last point of the word "Wen" is added at the end.
If you had written this first, the whole signature wouldn't have been assembled so skillfully.
In addition, because the stroke order of Chinese characters is from left to right, if the right part cannot be associated with the next word, or it is unnatural after association, and the left part is more suitable for association with the following words, we can write the right first, then the left, and then the next word, in the opposite order.
When designing the signature, you should find out which one of your names can be exaggerated. Exaggerated strokes are one of the main skills to make the signature form complete.
In the horizontal signature, it is common to put exaggerated strokes in the last stroke, and the exaggerated strokes in the horizontal signature are also diversified, while the strokes in the vertical signature are relatively simple and rarely used by modern people.
When exaggerating the last stroke of a cross signature, two opposite directions are usually adopted: turning back from right to left and throwing it from left to right.
Therefore, exaggerated strokes can be found out in advance, and must be written in place after finding exaggerated strokes, which will play an important role in the overall form of the signature.
6. Font selection
Regular script: dignified and delicate, vigorous and natural, simple and beautiful, suitable for expressing solemn and stretching, generous and meaningful content; Official script: round and plump, simple and gentle, warm and euphemistic, suitable for expressing cheerful, lyrical and relaxed content; Running script: casual and natural, comfortable and meaningful, frank, suitable for expressing natural frank, flexible and light content; Cursive script: free and easy, elegant and ever-changing, suitable for expressing dynamic, cheerful and chic content.
Generally speaking, we should choose a font that is fluent and fast.
Among them, running script and cursive script are the most ideal, regular script and cursive script are also acceptable, and those regular fonts, such as official script and seal script, should be used with caution.
Signing with running script and cursive script is not only chic and lyrical, but also convenient and quick.
7. Control the signature rhythm
The rhythm of signature consists of the writing speed and the size of the two-character or three-character structure in your name.
It is easy to understand that the writing speed is related to the writing speed on weekdays. Generally speaking, ceremonial signatures and practical signatures are generally in regular script or running script, and cursive signatures are for drawing a pattern, which is slower; Cursive and fake signatures, the faster you write, the more energetic you are.
For a signature, the main pen is lyrical and can be written faster, and the turning point and short strokes need to slow down the writing speed.
If you notice this, you should adjust your signature speed according to your writing habits and different signature types.
The rhythm of signature is to arrange your names according to the visual principles such as the center of gravity and the law of balance of signature graphics. It's simple. It can make your signature beautiful and easy to write.
8. Use decorative strokes. Decorative strokes may not be the strokes of any word in your name, but are added to make the signature more harmonious, symmetrical and complete.
There are also a few cases where exaggerated strokes in names form decorative effects. 9. Pay attention to the anti-counterfeiting of signatures.
Practical signature, especially the signature on contracts and important documents, often becomes the key goal of forgers. Once signed, it will be accompanied by certain responsibilities and obligations, as well as the consequences of violating these responsibilities and obligations.
We ask the signer to pay attention to anti-counterfeiting, not simply to draw some symbols, curves and decorative strokes on the signature, but to make efforts from deep and internal aspects.
Of course, it is necessary to attach some lines to the signature and exaggerate some strokes for anti-counterfeiting, which is also one of the anti-counterfeiting methods, but this is only a common level measure, and poor mastery will often affect the effect of the whole signature.
If the lines are nothing special, they are easy to imitate.
The real deep anti-counterfeiting method is to improve the signature skills and artistic level, write your own style and express your unique personality.