Miss Wang, like my father, has a big chest and a big waist. Those bright eyes have a frightening feeling. That glib mouth gives Mr. Wang a glib mouth.
Whenever I come to school, I see Mr. Wang make up lessons for students with poor grades early. Whether it is windy or rainy, Mr. Wang will insist on getting to school early. I have to teach two math classes during the day and make up lessons for them. How hard it is to go home at night to do courseware and prepare lessons Many naughty students always make Mr. Wang angry, but the teacher always keeps it in mind.
I remember one time, it was raining cats and dogs, and my mother sent me to school. On the way, I saw Mr. Wang passing by us on a motorcycle. Mr. Wang didn't wear a raincoat. Raindrops as big as peas hit Mr. Wang and the rain flowed on his face. But when Mr. Wang arrived at school, he forgot to wipe the rain that fell on him, so he called all his classmates upstairs. This scene makes me feel sad. In order to make us get better grades, Mr. Wang is desperate and never late. He always comes to make up lessons for them at 7 o'clock. In class, I also secretly found that Mr. Wang sneezed from time to time. He must have caught a cold in the rain, but the teacher insisted on finishing the class.
Teacher, you are the deep blue sky in my heart, the eagle soaring in the sky, and the brightest star shining in the vast Milky Way! You are the most beautiful teacher, and the person with the most beautiful morality is you-Miss Wang!
Sixth grade: Xin Siqi