Current location - Quotes Website - Personality signature - What are the network commands commonly used by hackers? What are they? How to use them?
What are the network commands commonly used by hackers? What are they? How to use them?

net user heibai lovechina /add Add a heibai user password as lovechina

net localgroup Administrators heibai /add add him to the Administrator group

net start telnet open The other party's TELNET service

net use z:\$ Map the other party's C drive

net user guest /active: yes Activate the Guest user

net user guest lovechina Change guest's password to lovechina

net user View all user lists

net user username/delete Delete

net time \ \ Get the other party's time,

get c:\index.htm d:\ The uploaded file is INDEX.HTM, which is located under C:\ and is transferred to the other party D:\

copy index.htm \\\c$\index.htm Copy index.htm from the local C drive to the C drive of

NET VIEW displays domain list, computer List or specify the *** of the computer

Complete set of computer running commands winver---------Check the Windows version

wmimgmt.msc----Open the windows management system Structure

wupdmgr--------windows update program

winver---------check Windows version

wmimgmt.msc ----Open windows management architecture

wupdmgr--------windows update program

wscript--------windows script host settings


write----------WordPad winmsd-----System Information

wiaacmgr-------Scanner and Camera Wizard

winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat

mem.exe--------display memory usage

Msconfig.exe- --System Configuration Utility

mplayer2-------Simple widnows media



mstsc----------Remote Desktop Connection

net use \ \ip\ipc$ " " /user: " " Establish an IPC empty link

net use \\ip\ipc$ "Password" /user: "Username" Create a non-empty IPC link

net use h: \\ip\c$ "Password" /user: "Username" After logging in directly, map the other party's C: to the local H:

net use h: \\ip\ c$ After logging in, map the other party C: to the local H:

net use \\ip\ipc$ /del delete the IPC link

net use h: /del delete the mapping party to The local one is the mapping of H:

net user username and password/add Create user

net user guest /active: yes Activate guest user

net user View What users are there

net user account name to view the account properties

net localgroup administrators username/add Add "user" to the administrator to have administrator rights. Note: Add s after administrator to use the plural form

net start Check which services are enabled

net start service name starts the service; (for example: net start telnet, net start schedule)

net stop service name stops a service

net time \\target ip View the other party's time

net time \\target ip /set sets the local computer time and "target IP" host time synchronization, add the parameter /yes to cancel the confirmation message

net view to view which *** sharing is enabled in the local LAN

net view \\ip to view the privileges enabled in the other party's LAN What shares are there

net config displays the system network settings

net logoff disconnects the shares

net pause service name pauses a service

net send ip "text message" to send information to the other party

net ver network connection type and information being used in the LAN

net share to view the locally opened ***share

net share ipc$ Enable ipc$***share

net share ipc$ /del Delete ipc$***share

net share c$ /del Delete C: ***share

net user guest 12345 After logging in as guest user, change the password to 12345

net password password change system login password


netstat -a to check which ports are open, commonly used netstat -an

netstat -n to check the network connection status of the port, commonly used netstat -an

netstat -v to check Work in progress

netstat -p protocol name example: netstat -p tcq/ip Check the usage of a certain protocol (check the usage of tcp/ip protocol)

netstat -s View the usage of all protocols in use

nbtstat -A ip If one of the other party's ports 136 to 139 is open, you can view the user name of the other party's recent login ( The ones before 03 are user names) - Note: Parameter -A must be capitalized

tracert - Parameter ip (or computer name) trace route (packet), parameter: "-w number" is used to set the timeout interval .

Ping ip (or domain name) sends data with a default size of 32 bytes to the other host. Parameters: "-l [space] packet size"; "-n number of times to send data"; "-t "refers to pinging all the time.

ping -t -l 65550 ip ping of death (sending files larger than 64K and pinging all the time becomes the ping of death)

ipconfig (winipcfg) for windows NT and XP (Windows 95 98) To view the local IP address, ipconfig can use the parameter "/all" to display all configuration information

tlist -t displays processes in a tree line list (it is an additional tool for the system and is not installed by default. In the Support/tools folder of the installation directory)

kill -F Add the -F parameter to the process name to force the end of a process (it is an additional tool for the system, which is not installed by default. In the Support of the installation directory /tools folder)

del -F After adding the -F parameter to the file name, you can delete the read-only file. /AR, /AH, /AS, and /AA mean to delete the read-only, hidden, and system files respectively. , archive files, /A-R, /A-H, /A-S, /A-A means to delete files other than read-only, hidden, system, and archive files.

For example, "DEL/AR *.*" means to delete all read-only files in the current directory, and "DEL/A-S *.*" means to delete all files in the current directory except system files

mplayer2--- ----Media player

magnify--------Magnifying glass utility

mmc------------Open console

mobsync--------Synchronization command

dxdiag---------Check DirectX information

drwtsn32----- - System Doctor

devmgmt.msc---Device Manager

dfrg.msc-------Disk Defragmenter

diskmgmt.msc ---Disk Management Utility

dcomcnfg-------Open system component service

ddeshare-------Open DDE*** sharing settings


dvdplay--------DVD player

net stop messenger-----stop messenger service

net start messenger----start Messenger Service

notepad--------Open Notepad

nslookup-------Tool Wizard for Network Management

ntbackup- ------System Backup and Restore

narrator-------Screen "Narrator"

ntmsmgr.msc----Mobile Storage Manager


ntmsoprq.msc---Mobile storage administrator operation request

netstat -an----(TC) command to check the interface

syncapp----- ---Create a briefcase

sysedit--------System Configuration Editor

sigverif-------File Signature Verifier

sndrec32-------Audio recorder

shrpubw--------Create ***shared folder

secpol.msc----- Local security policy

syskey---------System encryption, once encrypted, cannot be decrypted, double password protection for Windows XP system

services.msc--- Local Service Settings

Sndvol32------Volume Control Program

sfc.exe--------System File Checker

sfc /scannow---windows file protection

Nslookup-------60-second countdown shutdown command

tourstart------xp introduction (appears after the installation is completed Roaming -------Word creation program

explorer-------Open the resource manager

packager-------Object packaging program

perfmon.msc----Computer performance monitoring program

progman--------Program Manager


rsop.msc-------Group Policy Result Set

regedt32-------Registry Editor


nonce -p ----Shut down in 15 seconds

regsvr32 /u *.dll----Stop dll file running

regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------ Cancel ZIP support

cmd.exe--------CMD command prompt

chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk disk check

certmgr.msc----Certificate Management Utility

calc-----------Start the calculator

charmap--------Start Character mapping table

cliconfg-------SQL SERVER client network utility

Clipbrd--------Clipboard viewer

conf-----------Start netmeeting

compmgmt.msc---Computer Management


ciadv.msc------Index service program

osk------------Open the on-screen keyboard

odbcad32- ------ODBC Data Source Manager

oobe/msoobe /a----Check whether XP is activated

lusrmgr.msc----Native users and groups

logoff---------logout command

iexpress-------Trojan bundled tool, the system comes with it

Nslookup- ------IP address detector

fsmgmt.msc-----***Shared folder manager

utilman-------- Accessibility Manager

gpedit.msc-----Group Policy