Open the httpd.conf file in the conf directory under the apache installation directory, find the following contents and remove the "#".
# loadmodules sl _ modulemodules/mod _ (if it is not found, please confirm whether the openssl plug-in has been compiled) # includeconf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf (delete the comment symbol "#" in the configuration statement at the beginning of the line, save it and exit).
Open the conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf file under the apache installation directory (it may also be conf.d/ssl.conf, depending on the operating system and installation method), and look for the following configuration statement in the configuration file:
# Add SSL protocol support protocol, delete SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3# Modify encryption suite as follows: SSLCipherSuite HIGH:! RC4:! MD5:! Anul: Inur! NULL:! DH:! Edh: exp:+mediumsslhonorpherorder on # certificate public key configuration SSL certificatefilecert/a _ public.crt # certificate private key configuration SSL certificatekeyfilecert/a.key # certificate chain configuration. If this property starts with a "#" character, please delete SSL certificate chain file cert/a _ chain.crt.
Restart Apache.
Apachectl -k station
Apachectl -k activated