Image optimization. Preview, cross-platform gray system preview, selective JPEG compression and a large number of export controls are adopted to optimize images for various delivery situations.
Efficient integration of Photoshop and Illustrator. Importing Photoshop (PSD) files can keep layers, layer effects and blending modes. Save the Fireworks (PNG) file back to Photoshop (PSD) format. Import an Illustrator (AI) file, which can maintain the integrity of the drawing, including layer, group and color information.
Rapid prototyping. Web sites and various Internet applications build interactive layout prototypes. Export the website prototype to Adobe Dreamweaver and RIA prototype to Adobe Flex.
Support multiple pages. Create multiple pages in a single document (PNG file) using the new page board, and share layers among multiple pages. Each page can contain its own slice, layer, frame, animation and canvas settings, so it is convenient to simulate the website process in the prototype.
Hierarchical organization. The prototype adopts a new hierarchical structure similar to Adobe Photoshop to organize and manage, which enables you to organize Web layers and pages conveniently.
Filter effect. Apply lighting effects, shadow effects, styles and blending modes (including 7 new blending modes of Photoshop) to increase the depth and features of text and components.
Public library. The common library contains graphic elements, text elements and animations commonly used in Web applications, forms, interfaces and websites, which can be used to quickly start the prototyping process.
Intelligent expansion. Through 9-slice scaling, buttons and graphic elements in vector images or bitmap images can be intelligently scaled. Combine 9-slice scaling with new automatic shape library to speed up the prototyping of websites and applications.
Simplified Dreamweaver and Flash integration. Copy any object in Fireworks CS3 and paste it directly into Dreamweaver CS3. Create pop-up menus that can be saved as CSS and HTML. Export the Fireworks (PNG) file directly to Flash CS3, while keeping the vector, bitmap, animation and multi-state unchanged, and then edit the file in Flash CS3. Dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG fckeditor, developed by American Macromedia Company (now acquired by Adobe Company, becoming Adobe Dreamweaver), which integrates web page making and website management. It is the first set of visual web development tools specially developed for professional web designers. With it, you can easily make dynamic web pages that cross the platform limitations and browser limitations.
Dreamweaver, Flash and Fireworks designed for professional web images after Dreamweaver are called DreamTeam by Macromedia, which shows the market response and Macromedia's confidence in them. Speaking of Dreamweaver, we need to know about the development of fckeditor. With the popularization of Internet and the continuous development and perfection of HTML (an application under standard generalized markup language), many fckeditor have appeared. From the basic nature of fckeditor, it can be divided into WYSIWYG fckeditor and WYSIWYG fckeditor (original code editor), both of which have their own advantages. The advantages of WYSIWYG fckeditor are intuitive, easy to use and easy to use. You won't think there is any difference between making a web page in WYSIWYG fckeditor and editing a text in WORD, but it also has fatal weaknesses. Its advantages
The best production efficiency. Dreamweaver can move files (such as Fireworks, FreeHand or Photoshop) to a web page in the fastest way. Use the eyedropper tool to select a color on the screen to set the closest web page security color. This is just a simple step for menus, shortcut keys and format control. Dreamweaver can be matched with your favorite design tools, such as playing back Flash, Shockwave, plug-in modules, etc., which can be completed without leaving Dreamweaver, and the overall application process is naturally smooth. In addition, Dreamweaver can automatically open Firework or Photoshop, and you can edit and set the optimization of drawing files with one click.
Website management. Using the website map, you can quickly prototype the website, design, update and reorganize the pages. Change the location or file name of the web page, and Dreamweaver will automatically update all links. The use of search and replacement functions that support text, HTML code, HTML attribute tags and common grammar makes complex website updates fast and simple.
Unparalleled control. Dreamweaver is the only design tool that provides synchronization of round-trip HTML, visual editing and source code editing. It includes mainstream text editors, such as HomeSite and BBEdit. Frames and tables can be made faster than you think. Advanced table editing allows you to simply select cells, rows, columns or make discontinuous selections. You can even sort or format table groups. Dreamweaver supports precise positioning and layout with layers that can be easily converted into tables by dragging and dropping. Dreamweaver successfully integrates the functions of dynamic publishing, visual editing and e-commerce, and provides excellent support for third-party vendors, including ASP, Apache, BroadVision, Cold Fusion, iCAT, Tango and self-developed application software. When you use Dreamweaver to design a dynamic web page, what you see is what you get, so you can preview the web page without using a browser. Fantasy template and XML Dreamweaver separate content from design, and apply them to rapid web page updating and team collaboration web page editing. Create a template for the appearance of a web page and specify the editable or non-editable parts. Content providers can edit style-based content directly without accidentally changing the established style. You can also use templates to correctly input or output XML content. All-round presentation of Dreamweaver-designed web pages can be presented on popular browsers on any platform. For dynamic HTML support of cascading style sheets and mouse image change effect, DHTML effect database of sound and animation can be executed on Netscape and Microsoft browser. Dreamweaver can tell you how it works in different browsers by using different browser detection functions. When a new browser comes on the market, you can download its description file from Dreamweaver's website and get a detailed report on its effectiveness.
Its shortcomings
It is difficult to achieve exactly the same display effect as the browser. That is to say, the web pages you make in WYSIWYG fckeditor are difficult to achieve what you really want in the browser, which can be reflected in some complex web pages (such as frame structure and dynamic web page structure);
The source code of the page is uncontrollable. For example, it takes a few minutes for you to make a table in the WYSIWYG editor, but it may take tens of minutes or more for you to fully meet your requirements. In contrast, WYSIWYG fckeditor does not have this problem, because all HTML (applications under standard generalized markup language) are generated under your supervision, but its work is doomed to be inefficient due to the innate conditions of WYSIWYG. How to achieve the perfect combination of the two has always been the dream of web designers, which can not only produce clean and accurate HTML codes, but also have the efficiency and intuition of what you see is what you get. The CS5 series produced by Adobe is on sale. Let's pay attention to the related functions of DREAMWEAVER CS5.
New features of real-time view
With the new real-time view in Dreamweaver CS5, you can design web pages in a real browser environment and still have direct access to code. The rendered screen content will immediately reflect the changes made to the code.
Code hints for Ajax and JavaScript frameworks
Using improved JavaScript core objects and basic data type support, JavaScript can be written more effectively. By integrating popular JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery, Prototype and Spry, the extended coding function of Dreamweaver CS5 is fully utilized.
Brand new user interface
With the help of * * * user interface design, in Adobe Creative Suite &;; Reg4 works faster and smarter between different components. With the workspace switcher, you can quickly switch from one working environment to the next.
Related files and code navigator
Click any included file displayed in the Related Files column to view its source code in Code view and its parent page in Design view. The new code navigator function displays the CSS source code that affects the current selection and allows you to access it quickly.
HTML data set
The powerful function of dynamic data can be integrated into web pages without mastering database or XML coding. Spry dataset can identify the content in a simple HTML table as an interactive data source.
Adobe InContext editing (pre-release version)
Design web pages in Dreamweaver so that end users can use Adobe in Context Editing Online Service to edit their web pages without help or other software. * As a Dreamweaver designer, you can restrict the right to change specific pages and special areas, and even customize formatting options.
Adobe Photoshop & ampreg Smart Objects
Insert any Photoshop PSD document into Dreamweaver to create an image. Smart objects are closely linked to source files. You can change the source image and update the image in Dreamweaver without opening Photoshop.
CSS best practices
You can implement CSS best practices without writing code. Create a new CSS rule in the property panel, and clearly and simply explain the corresponding position of each property in the style cascade.
Subversion integration
Update sites and register changes directly in Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver CS4 is closely integrated with Subversion software, which is an open source code version control system and can provide a more powerful registration/cancellation experience.
Adobe AIR authoring supports new features.
Create Adobe AIR applications based on HTML and JavaScript directly in Dreamweaver. You can preview the AIR application in Dreamweaver. Get adobe AIR applications ready for deployment with air packaging and code signing. After upgrading to Dreamweaver CS6, you can efficiently create and test cross-platform and cross-browser HTML5 content using the updated live view and multi-screen preview panel. Use enhanced jQuery and PhoneGap? Support the construction of better mobile applications, and shorten the time needed to upload large files through the redesigned multi-thread FTP transmission tool.