What operating system is it? The following contents can be used as reference:
System acceleration
First of all, Windows 98
1. Don't load too many random startup programs.
Don't load too many unnecessary random startup programs when starting. Select Start → Programs → Accessories → System Tools → System Information → System Information Dialog Box, and then select Tools → System Configuration Utility → Start. You just need to put the hook in front of internat.exe, and everything else is unnecessary. Just select and confirm the restart.
2. Convert the system file format
Turn the hard disk from FAT 16 to FAT32.
3. Don't use the background easily.
Don't use ActiveDesktop, or the system will slow down (right-click the screen → find display properties →Web tab → uncheck all options about Active Desktop and Channels).
4. Set up virtual memory
Set the virtual memory to 3 times the machine memory. For example, if there is 32M memory, set the virtual memory to 96M, and the maximum and minimum values are the same (this setting can be set by "Control Panel → System → Performance → Virtual Memory").
5. Some optimized settings
A go to the control panel and select "System → Performance → File System". Change the "main purpose of computer" on the hard disk label to network server, and adjust the "read-ahead optimization" to full speed.
B. Cancel "Search for a new floppy disk drive every time you start" in the "Floppy Disk" tab.
C. Adjust the "additional cache" in the CD to the maximum, and select the CD with quadruple speed or faster access mode.
6. Organize the system regularly.
Use the following tools regularly: disk scanning, disk cleaning, defragmentation, system file checker (ASD), Dr? Watson, etc.
Second, Windows 2000.
1, upgrading the file system
A. If your operating system is win 9x and win.
2000 dual boot, it is suggested that the file system format should be FAT32 format, which can save hard disk space and share resources between 9x and 2000.
Reminder: To realize this dual boot, it is best to install 9x in area C in a pure DOS environment, and then install 2000 in another area of 9x or install 2000 with win 2000 boot disk in a DOS environment, and this area must have at least 800M space.
B, if only win is used.
In 2000, it is suggested to convert the file system format into NTFS format, which can save hard disk space, and has higher stability and running speed, and this file system format has good error correction; But in this way, DOS and win 9x systems cannot run in this file system format, which is why it is best to use FAT32 format to ensure that resources can be enjoyed. And some applications can't run under this file system format, most of them are games under DOS.
Reminder: The way to upgrade the file system in win 2000 to NTFS format is: click Start-Programs-Accessories to select the command prompt, and then enter "convert drive_letter:/fs:ntfs" in the prompt window that opens, where "drive" is the partition symbol of the hard disk you want to upgrade, such as area C; It should also be noted that upgrading the file system will not destroy the files in the upgraded hard disk partition, and there is no need for backup.
2. Delete unnecessary files and programs:
First, delete the attachment imposed by Windows:
Use Notepad to modify \winnt\inf\sysoc.inf, use the find/replace function, enter, hide (English comma followed by hide) in the find box, and set the "Replace with" box to be empty. And choose to replace all, so that all hiding is removed,
Save and exit,
Run Add-Remove Programs again, and you will see an additional option "Add/Remove Windows Components";
B, open "Folder Options" and select "Show all files and folders" in the "View" tab. At this point, Autoexec.bat and Config.sys will appear in the root directory of the partition where you installed win 2000. In fact, there is nothing in these two files, so you can safely delete them.
C. Right-click "My Computer", select "Management" and click the "Service" option under "Services and Applications", and you will see various programs loaded on win2000, many of which are related to LAN settings or other functions. You can completely disable programs you don't use.
For example: Alertr, if it is not in the LAN, it can be set to be disabled; There is also a fax service, which is set to be disabled if you don't send a fax; print
Background printer, no printer settings for use; UPS
Power supply without UPS is also set to be disabled. You can set these loaders according to your actual situation. Each loader is followed by instructions and running status; Select the program you want to disable, right-click it, select Properties, click Stop, and set the startup type to Manual or Disabled.
D, closing the debugger, Dr. Watson; ;
Run drwtsn32 to delete everything except "Dump all thread contexts". Otherwise, once a program goes wrong, the hard disk will ring for a long time and take up a lot of space. If you have encountered this situation before, please find the user.dmp file to delete, which may save tens of megabytes of space. This is the scene of the wrong program, which is useless to us. In addition, the memory.dmp that appears when the screen is blue can also be deleted. You can dump BSOD when you close it in My Computer/Properties.
3. Remove the fixed font.
Win 2000 doesn't seem to be compatible with Wen Ding fonts. If you can't always install new software when you run 2000, or you always make mistakes when you run some programs, please delete the Wen Ding font.
4. Optimize hard disk parameters
A. Right-click my computer, select Properties, select the Device Manager tab under Hardware, then find your hard disk in the disk drive, check its properties, and select Write Cache Enable in the disk properties tab;
B, respectively check the properties of the main IDE channel and the secondary IDE channel in the IDE controller, and set the device type as automatic detection and the transmission mode as DMA (if any) in the advanced settings;
5. Optimize system properties
A. Right-click my computer, select Properties, and under the Advanced Performance Options tab, select the application under Application Response; In this way, the system will allocate more resources to the foreground program to make it run faster;
B, select the "Change" option under "Virtual Memory" still under this tab, and set the value of virtual memory to 2.5 times of your physical memory, and the maximum value is the same as the minimum value; For example, your physical memory is 32M, virtual memory value is 80, and 64M memory is160; And try to avoid setting virtual memory in the same partition as system files. If win 2000 is installed in area c, set virtual memory in area d or area e;
6. Optimize startup settings
A. Right-click My Computer, select Properties, and then select the Startup and Troubleshooting tab under Advanced. If you only have one win 2000 operating system installed, please uncheck the "Show operating system list" checkbox; Then remove the options of "writing events into system log", "sending management alarm" and "automatic restart"; And "write"
Debugging Information is set to None;
B, remove the system, implied and read-only attributes of the boot.ini file in the root directory of area C, open it with Notepad, and connect to.
[operating system]
Multiple (0) disks (0)rdisk(0) partition (1) \ winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional "/quick detection
The last quick detection has been changed to nodetect.
C, enter regedit in "Start-Run", open "HKEY _ Local _ Machine \ System \ Control Set 00 1 \ Control", and set the key value of SystemStartOptions in the right window.
Change it to NODETECT.
3. Remove the fixed font.
Win 2000 doesn't seem to be compatible with Wen Ding fonts. If you can't always install new software when you run 2000, or you always make mistakes when you run some programs, please delete the Wen Ding font.
4. Optimize hard disk parameters
A. Right-click my computer, select Properties, select the Device Manager tab under Hardware, then find your hard disk in the disk drive, check its properties, and select Write Cache Enable in the disk properties tab;
B, respectively check the properties of the main IDE channel and the secondary IDE channel in the IDE controller, and set the device type as automatic detection and the transmission mode as DMA (if any) in the advanced settings;
5. Optimize system properties
A. Right-click my computer, select Properties, and under the Advanced Performance Options tab, select the application under Application Response; In this way, the system will allocate more resources to the foreground program to make it run faster;
B, select the "Change" option under "Virtual Memory" still under this tab, and set the value of virtual memory to 2.5 times of your physical memory, and the maximum value is the same as the minimum value; For example, your physical memory is 32M, virtual memory value is 80, and 64M memory is160; And try to avoid setting virtual memory in the same partition as system files. If win 2000 is installed in area c, set virtual memory in area d or area e;
6. Optimize startup settings
A. Right-click My Computer, select Properties, and then select the Startup and Troubleshooting tab under Advanced. If you only have one win 2000 operating system installed, please uncheck the "Show operating system list" checkbox; Then remove the options of "writing events into system log", "sending management alarm" and "automatic restart"; And set "Write Debugging Information" to "None";
B, remove the system, implied and read-only attributes of the boot.ini file in the root directory of area C, open it with Notepad, and connect to.
[operating system]
Multiple (0) disks (0)rdisk(0) partition (1) \ winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional "/quick detection
The last quick detection has been changed to nodetect.
C enter regedit in "start-run", open "HKEY _ local _ machine \ system \ control set 00 1 \ control", and change the key value of SystemStartOptions in the right window to NODETECT.
3. Remove the fixed font.
Win 2000 doesn't seem to be compatible with Wen Ding fonts. If you can't always install new software when you run 2000, or you always make mistakes when you run some programs, please delete the Wen Ding font.
4. Optimize hard disk parameters
A. Right-click my computer, select Properties, select the Device Manager tab under Hardware, then find your hard disk in the disk drive, check its properties, and select Write Cache Enable in the disk properties tab;
B, respectively check the properties of the main IDE channel and the secondary IDE channel in the IDE controller, and set the device type as automatic detection and the transmission mode as DMA (if any) in the advanced settings;
5. Optimize system properties
A. Right-click my computer, select Properties, and under the Advanced Performance Options tab, select the application under Application Response; In this way, the system will allocate more resources to the foreground program to make it run faster;
B, select the "Change" option under "Virtual Memory" still under this tab, and set the value of virtual memory to 2.5 times of your physical memory, and the maximum value is the same as the minimum value; For example, your physical memory is 32M, virtual memory value is 80, and 64M memory is160; And try to avoid setting virtual memory in the same partition as system files. If win 2000 is installed in area c, set virtual memory in area d or area e;
6. Optimize startup settings
A. Right-click My Computer, select Properties, and then select the Startup and Troubleshooting tab under Advanced. If you only have one win 2000 operating system installed, please uncheck the "Show operating system list" checkbox; Then remove the options of "writing events into system log", "sending management alarm" and "automatic restart"; And "write"
Debugging Information is set to None;
B, remove the system, implied and read-only attributes of the boot.ini file in the root directory of area C, open it with Notepad, and connect to.
[operating system]
Multiple (0) disks (0)rdisk(0) partition (1) \ winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect The last fastdetect is changed to nodetect.
C, enter regedit in "Start-Run", open "HKEY _ Local _ Machine \ System \ Control Set 00 1 \ Control", and set the key value of SystemStartOptions in the right window.
Change it to NODETECT.
Third, Windows XP.
Use Windows
In the process of XP, with the passage of time, the system speed will become slower and slower. You can reinstall the system, but after reinstalling, so many applications have to be reinstalled. How to improve the running speed of Windows XP without installing the system?
1, defragment the disk regularly.
The smallest unit of a computer hard disk is a sector, and a file usually occupies several sectors. Whenever the hard disk is used for a long time, after countless times of adding, changing and deleting files, there will be many intermittent sectors, so there will be more and more discontinuous files, and the hard disk head needs to spend more time jumping around to read data, which will lead to the slow down of the hard disk. In view of this, windows will "defragment". As long as "Disk Defragmentation" is performed, all discontinuous files will be rearranged neatly. As for the execution time, it can be executed once a week or so.
2. Delete the scheduled task
Usually, when connecting to other computers, Windows XP will comprehensively check all scheduled tasks on other computers. This check will make you wait for 30 seconds or more. The way to get rid of it is to start.
A, modify the run key of the registry and cancel those things that are not commonly used, such as Windows Messenger. Enable Registry Manager: Start → Run → Registry Edit → Find "HKEY _ Current _ User \ Software \ Microsoft"
\ Windows \ Current \ Version \ Running \
MSMSGS "/ Background ",right click → Delete, the world is much quieter. By the way, kill all those cfmon.
B, modify the registry to reduce pre-reading, and reduce the waiting time of the progress bar. The effect is that the progress bar will enter the login interface once it is run. Start → Run →regedit Start Registry Editor and find it.
HKEY _ Local _ Machine System \ Current \ Control \ Setup Control \ Session
Managermemory \ ManagementPrefetchParameters has a key EnablePrefetcher, just change its value to "1". In addition, friends who don't change their hardware often can set the device type above the bus device to none in the system properties.
3. Turn off special effects in system properties.
This is a simple and effective acceleration method. Click Start → Control Panel → System → Advanced → Performance → Settings → In the visual effect, adjust the settings to the best performance → OK. In this way, the desktop will be very similar to win2000. I still like the blue window of XP, so I put a check on "Use visual styles on windows and buttons" so that I can see the beautiful blue interface and speed up.
4, quick browse LAN * * * enjoy.
Generally speaking, Windows.
When connecting to other computers, XP will thoroughly check all scheduled tasks on other computers. This check will make you wait for 30 seconds or more. The way to get rid of it is to start → run →Regedit→ find HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ current in the registry.
\ Version \ Resource Manager \ Remote \ Computer \ Name \ Space. Under this key, there will be a D6277990-4C6A.
-11cf-8d87-00aa0060f5bf {} key, and restart the computer and Windows after deletion.
XP will no longer check scheduled tasks, and the speed will be significantly improved!
5.Windows XP realizes 1 sec shutdown.
The huge Windows XP operating system shuts down very slowly, which takes about 30 ~ 50 seconds. However, if you change the registry options according to the methods provided below, your Windows XP system will shut down soon.
Locate HKEY- Current-User \ Control.
Panel\Desktop key, change WaitToKillAppTimeout to: 1000, that is, just wait 1 second when closing the program. In addition: how to quickly close the program that has a program error and the system automatically shuts down and stops responding.
A. Change the HungAppTimeout value to: 200, which means that the program will wait for 0.5 seconds when an error occurs.
B, set the AutoEndTasks value to: 1, so that the system can automatically close the program that stops responding.
6. Close the debugger, Dr. Watson.
It seems that I haven't used this thing since the win' 90s. I can cancel it like this: open the book table, find the branch of HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Current \ Version \ AE Debug, double-click the name of the Auto key value below it, change its "numerical data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh the setting to take effect, thus canceling its operation. According to this idea, we can cancel all options with debugging function in my computer → Properties → Advanced → Settings, such as memory.dmp that appears when the screen is blue.
Write debugging information → Do not select "and so on.
7. accelerate the start.
Speed up the startup of Windows XP. You can achieve this goal by modifying the registry. In the Registry Editor, locate.
HKEY _ Local _ Machine System Current Control Settings Control Session
Manager's memory
ManagementPrefetchParameters, find the EnablePrefetcher primary key on the right and change its default value of 3 to 1, so that the scrolling time of the scroll bar will be reduced;
8, speed up the switch.
On Windows
When shutting down in XP, the system will send a message to the running programs and remote servers, telling them that they should shut down the system and wait for the response before the system starts to shut down. To speed up the startup, you can set the task to end automatically first. First, find HKEY _ Current _ User Control Panel Desktop, and set the key value of AutoEndTasks as 1. Then there is a "HungAppTimeout" under this branch, and its value is changed to "4000 (or below), and the default is 50000; Finally, find HKEY _ local _ MachinerSystemCurrentControlSetControl, and also set WaitToKillServiceTimeout to "4000"; Setting the shutdown speed in this way is obviously much faster.
9. Optimize online neighbors
When using Windows XP, the system will search its own * * * shared directory, which can be used as a printer for the network * *, as well as the planned tasks related to the network, and then it will be displayed, which will obviously be much slower. These functions can be deleted if they are of little use to us. Found in Registry Editor
HKEY _ Local _ Machine Software
Version explore remote computer namespace, delete (printer) and its {d6277990-4c6a-11f8d87.
-00AA0060F5BF} (plan the task), restart your computer and visit your online neighbors again, and you will find it much faster.
10, automatic shutdown stop response program
Sometimes, winning
XP will prompt you that a program stops responding, which is very annoying. By modifying the registry, we can make it shut down by itself. In HKEY's current us control,
In PanelDesktop, change the numeric data with the key value of AutoEndTasks to 1, and then log off or restart.
1 1 to speed up the menu display.
In order to speed up the display of the menu, we can set it as follows: We can set it in HKEY _ Current _ User Control.
Find the "MenuShowDelay" primary key under PanelDesktop and change its value to "0" to speed up the menu display.
12. Clear the unused DLL files in the memory.
In hkkey _ local _ machinesoftwindowscurrent version of the registry, add an AlwaysUnloadDLL in Explorer, and the default value is set to 1. Note: If the default value is set to 0, this function will be disabled.
13, speed up the pre-reading ability and improve the boot speed.
Windows XP pre-reading settings can improve the system speed and speed up the boot. According to the following methods, the CPU efficiency can be further utilized: HKEY _ Local _ Machine System CurrentControlSetControlSessionManager Memory Management]. In the window on the right side of PrefetchParameters, modify the numerical data of EnablePrefetcher as follows. For example, if you use a CPU with PIII 800MHz or above, it is recommended to change the numerical data to 4 or 5, otherwise it is recommended to keep the numerical data as the default value, that is, 3.