The full name of HTML is: Hyper Text Mark-up Language.
Key vocabulary: Text
English [tekst]
n [calculation] text; text; theme
vt texting
[Plural texts Past tense texted Present participle texting Third person singular texts]
Anchor text? anchor text; Link anchor text; anchor text; link source text
Extended information:
Key vocabulary usage: text
n (noun)
1. The basic meaning of text is "text, this article", which refers to the main part of the book relative to notes, diagrams, illustrations, etc., and is an uncountable noun.
2. Text can also refer to "the original text or full text (of a speech, article, etc.)". It is usually used in the singular form, often preceded by the definite article the, and followed by the preposition of.
3. Text can also be used as "version", "textbook, text book", "Bible words", etc. It is a countable noun.