Then, you need to choose the color matching of sneakers and sneakers according to your face value and your hobbies. Some friends like light and smooth sneakers, while others like heavy and textured sneakers. Some friends like colorful colors, while others like simple and generous colors. This benevolent person has different opinions, and the wise man has different opinions. Just do it according to your own preferences.
Finally, you must consider your own economic situation before buying sneakers, and don't blindly compare with others. You know, well-equipped people don't necessarily play. If it is a student party with little money, it is recommended to buy economical and durable sneakers. For example, many domestic shoes are good, and Li Ning, Peak and Anta are the glory of domestic products. If you really want to experience the top sneaker technology and don't care much about the price, you can buy more expensive sneakers like AJ.