Express delivery can send mobile hard drives, but the mobile hard drives cannot contain photos, audio-visual products that are reactionary, incite ethnic hatred, undermine national unity, undermine social stability, promote cults, religious extremist ideas, obscenity, etc.
Items prohibited from express delivery include:
1. Illegal publications, printed materials, audio-visual products and other promotional materials?
If they contain reactionary, inciting national hatred, sabotage Books, publications, pictures, photos, audio-visual products, etc. that unify the country, undermine social stability, promote cults, religious extremist ideas, obscenity, etc. ?
2. Special equipment for espionage?
Such as hidden eavesdropping equipment, photo stealing equipment, burst transceivers, one-time pads, steganography tools, used to obtain Electronic monitoring and interception equipment of intelligence, etc. ?
3. Illegal counterfeit items?
Such as counterfeit or altered currency, documents, official seals, etc. ?
4. Infringement of intellectual property rights and counterfeit goods?
1. Infringement of intellectual property rights: such as books, audio-visual products, etc. that infringe patent rights, trademark rights, and copyrights. ?
2. Counterfeiting: such as fake and shoddy food, medicines, children's products, electronic products, cosmetics, textiles, etc.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/ 3f4e251f94ca5fc6?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/zc/flfgjzc_1/201612/t20161216_934646.html"target="_blank"title="Only one can be selected Effective when linking">Notice of the State Post Bureau of the People's Republic of China-State Post Bureau, Ministry of Public Security, and Ministry of National Security on the issuance of the "Regulations on the Administration of Prohibited Items"